With over 850 million daily active users, Facebook offers property managers and landlords direct access to consumers who rely on social media and online resources to find services, products, and people for just about everything. Historically, word-of-mouth recommendations have always been property managers’ number one resource to reach customers but in today’s digital world, social media has become the new word-of-mouth.
A Facebook Business Fan page can provide property managers with an online presence beyond a professional website. Photos, videos, status updates, and links let you actively put information about your business, properties, and industry directly in front of your customers.
Facebook offers property managers and landlords a way to engage and interact with your current and potential clients as well as members of your community. Helpful posts, that provide information, and encourage interaction, allows you to build your presence both online and in the community.
Property managers and landlords can use Facebook to…
- Communicate with tenants. Encourage all your tenants to “Like” your page on Facebook. Share helpful information about seasonal maintenance, community events, weather updates, and holiday cheer. Asking questions and fun promotions encourage engagement on your page. Ask trivia questions or have a photo contest among your fans. You can coordinate tenant appreciation events or offer a gift certificate to a local coffee shop to the first person to comment or share your status update. Facebook not only lets you communicate directly with your tenants, but your tenants can engage and get to know each other, right on your page!
- Market your vacancies. Facebook’s tagging features let you target your friends, fans, and friends-of-fans about vacancies or amenities updates you have made to a property. Let your current residents share your updates and expand your market reach easily and efficiently to gain potential future residents.
- Advertise effectively. With the rising cost of print and digital advertising, Facebook’s promoted post and advertising functions let you spend as little as $1/day. You can be selective about what posts you want to promote, say a rental vacancy, so you can get maximum exposure of a status update. Facebook’s advertising lets you target specific audiences based on criteria like geography, interests, and workplace. The advertising functions let you extend your social network to those beyond your fan base. Brian Carter offers great insight on Why Every Business Should Spend at Least $1 per Day on Facebook for Moz.com.
How have you used Facebook as a property manager? What are some of your Fan page’s most shared or commented status? Let us know in the comments!
Rentec Direct understands the value to property managers and landlords in marketing your business and vacancies. And we will continue to share advice and resources for ways to maximize your property management opportunities both online and off.
Not sure where to start when it comes to Facebook for your property management business? Check out The Complete Guide to Creating the Perfect Facebook Page for Your Business from Kevan Lee for Entrepeneur.com. And don’t forget to “Like” Rentec Direct on Facebook for more great property management advice and tips!