By default, accepting credit card payments is off. You must enable it by going to Settings, Setup EasyPay. Select the type of credit card payments you wish to accept, then save your settings. Most landlords should select all three(VI/MC/DISC). In order to pay for processing costs, Rentec Direct will add a 5% convenience fee to the charged amount. Then the full charge amount, minus the convenience fee, will automatically deposit into your checking account.
If you already are setup with EasyPay all you have to do is enable credit cards, nothing more. If you aren’t yet enrolled in EasyPay, there is no cost to get setup, just visit Settings, Setup EasyPay and return the application. ACH transactions using Rentec EasyPay are a flat $2.00 and credit card payments are just $0.50.
More exciting news! We’re now accepting a limited number of applications into the merchant service program! This program sets your property management operation up with a merchant account which allows all EasyPay transactions to go directly to your checking account without interacting with ours. This shaves valuable days off the clearing process for ACH transactions and for larger volume accounts has a much more compelling fee structure to save you processing costs on both ACH and credit card transactions. To inquire, please email and we will reply with the necessary information and documents to you.