Rentec Direct Blog

Feature Friday: Why Every Renter Needs a Tenant Portal

Tenant Portal Chances are the majority of your tenants have online access and use the Internet for things like conducting business, banking, paying their bills, shopping, and interacting with professionals and peers around the world.  Just like banks and merchants have embraced online tools to provide their customers with expanded services and extra convenience, landlords and property managers are looking to appeal to tenants through web applications for convenient renting.

Understanding the demand from tenants who want to do their ‘renting online’,  Rentec Direct provides Tenant Portal services for landlords and property managers who use the property management software.

Rentec’s Tenant Portal allows your tenants to log into their account using their own username and password to monitor their rent payments, submit work orders, and receive direct communication about their rental.  Additionally, tenants can review their statements, and make minor setting changes, such as email address updates and email receipt preferences.  The added convenience of providing your tenants with a Tenant Portal, means happy tenants and less vacancies.

Your Tenant Portal let’s your renters do the following online:

Activating your Tenant Portal is easy! Simply right click on a tenant in your Rentec Direct account, to edit the Tenant and enable portal access.  An email will be sent to your tenant with a link and instructions for how your tenants can start using the portal right away.

For step by step instructions, check out the Knowledge Base article on setting up the Tenant & Owner Portals or check out the video below:

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