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Landlord Forms for Rentals: Lease Agreements, Notices, Disclosures, & More

Legal Forms for your rentals

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Looking for forms for your rental business?

ezLandlord Forms provides you with state-specific rental forms that have been evaluated by landlord peers and attorneys in each state.

Every landlord and property manager will need to have the right legal paperwork and forms to successfully run their rental business.  Items like a state-specific lease agreement, Notice to Pay-or-Quit, or a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure should be at your fingertips when managing rental properties.  

Additionally, you need to make sure these forms include the right language to meet your state and local laws for housing providers.

State and local laws establish requirements for what information needs to be included on legal rental paperwork.  Because legal requirements and language used in rental forms can be so specific for a landlord, it is advisable that rental professionals access forms that are created to meet the criteria established by their state laws.

For example, some states require that lease agreements include a clause about where to find a state-approved Landlord-Tenant Handbook (Arizona does this) while other state laws have no such requirement.   

Online Landlord Forms

Fortunately, landlords and property managers can leverage helpful software online to help them find the right forms for their rental business. Landlords and property managers can work with companies that provide online templates to create custom lease agreements that follow your state guidelines.

I spoke with Elizabeth Gibson at ezLandlord Forms, who explained how easy it is to find legal landlord forms online today, “Not very long ago, you had to shop office supply stores for blank lease forms. The downside was you got templates with few options for adding terms. And, just like popular tax prep software, the forms grew outdated with every change in Landlord-Tenant laws. Landlords and property managers are busy people. They don’t have time to follow state law changes and prefer not to hire a lawyer to vet each lease. So, online templates that follow state laws, and let them endlessly customize, fulfill their must-haves.”

I always want to recommend the best resources for landlords and property managers, so after researching options for the best rental forms online, we want to recommend ezLandlord Forms.

ezLandlord Forms

Here is what ezLandlord Forms has to say about the rental documents they offer the industry for free:

Everybody loves FREE stuff (we do too). Which is the reason we loaded this site with 169 (at last count) FREE rental forms for our members (before you count, remember you’re only seeing the ones in your state or province!). 

All of the forms listed on this page can be downloaded and printed with a free account, no purchase required, no credit card entered, no costs of arms, legs, or firstborn. From a free lease agreement to a free rental application, from U.S. free forms like the HUD Section 8 Addendum and New York City Window Guard Notice, to Canadian province forms like Ontario eviction documents, our free forms run the gamut.

Another benefit of working with ezLandlord Forms, of which I cannot go without mentioning, is their Live Chat Support. As you might know, Rentec Direct is a huge fan of Live Chat. When another company offers this support option to its users, we get excited to test it out! I sent a chat to the ezLandlord Forms support team to ask them about some of their features and was instantly connected with Elizabeth who was super helpful.

What tools do you use to ensure you are meeting your state’s laws about rental management? Let us know in the comments!

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