Rentec Direct Blog

New Option: Show Reserve Calculations on Properties & Owners

PM Users, next time you are surfing around the Accounting Defaults (in Settings), you might notice a new option; Show reserve calculation on the properties and accounts tab?

Enabling this option will cause the application to automatically calculate the property and owners balances and show a secondary figure which subtracts out the reserve.

Because the property reserve calculation is based on the “rolling balance”, it is recommended that you adjust the Accounting Default item #7 (How many months of rolling balance for property summary?) to be 0 (zero.)  This setting is found directly above the new setting at Settings, Accounting Defaults.

Another new feature which compliments this feature was added as well.  When posting a property expense, the property balance, property reserve, and the adjusted balance (balance minus reserve) will display at the top of the entry page.

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