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Rental Advertising Tips for Landlords

Rental Advertising Tips

Actually getting tenants into your rental units can be one of the most difficult parts of being a landlord. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways for you to get the word out about your rentals. If you are struggling to attract quality tenants with your current methods of advertising, here are some tips to make it easier.

Invest in Good Photography

Always have pictures up on a rental listing. Tenants are going to want the photos so they can get a good feeling for what the unit is like, especially if they are going to be unable to visit it before moving in. Photos can also distinguish your listing from scams, which often don’t have photos.

If you are taking the photos yourself, be sure to stage your property well. Get rid of any trash, put the toilet seats down, make sure all of your personal items are out of the way, and don’t leave anything like cleaning supplies on the counters. Make sure the unit is also clean before you take pictures – dust the ceiling fans, clean the windows, vacuum the floors. Make sure that everything is well lit, either from natural lighting or from lights in the unit.

Craft Your Listing

The language in your listing ad is going to be one of the things that catch the attention of potential tenants. But in order to determine what needs to be stated in your rental ad, you need to look at it from the perspective of tenants. Compared to other rentals in your area, do you have a good rental offer? If not, offer more value, like amenities, so that your offer is still comparable.

There are also some specific things that you always want to include in your listing. This includes how much you are charging for rent, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the type of property, and at least one good selling point. Highlight any amenities you have and describe the area that the rental is in. In this summary, including if you have a no-pet policy or other restrictions is a good way to narrow the tenants that apply.

Learn more: How to Write a Great Rental Listing

Putting Up Postings

After you have created the perfect ad, it is time to post it. There are many places to put up rental ads, but not all of them are equal. Think about what sites attract the kind of renters that you want to have. When advertising online, remember that attracting the best tenant possible requires you to get your listing in front of many applicants. The more applicants you can get interested in your property, the better. A larger tenant pool can allow you to pick the most qualified renter possible for your listing. If you have a property management software, you can often syndicate your rental listings to top rental sites with the push of a button.

Advertising in newspapers (both online and physical), using professional yard signs, and other physical advertisements are beneficial because there are people who won’t look online for listings. They might end up seeing your sign while walking through the neighborhood or see the flyer while they’re at the grocery store. Keep all types of renters in mind when you are marketing.

Word of Mouth

While it may sound old-fashioned, word of mouth is an incredibly useful way to spread around news of your rental. Let your family, friends, and acquaintances know that you manage or own rentals and they will reach out to you first if they know someone who is looking for a rental. This could quickly turn into a list of potential renters that you can pull from when a rental becomes available.

Your current tenants can also be a great free resource to find potential tenants. Let your other tenants know that you have a vacancy and they will spread the word among their family, friends, and acquaintances. If you want, you can also offer a reward for a good referral, like a gift card. If you have social media, spread the word on there. This is a another modern version of word of mouth.

Keeping Millennials and Gen Z in Mind

Millennials and Gen Z are the current and upcoming generations of tenants. As millennials transition from renting to buying their own homes, Gen Z is coming in to take their place. Keep in mind what both generations prioritize and tailor both your unit and ad toward that. For instance, if your unit has green or energy-efficient amenities, mentioning it in your ad will appeal to both generations. This also goes for affordability and technological amenities.

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