Discover an overview of landlord-tenant laws and tenant protections against landlord harassment so you can defend your rights.
Despite laws and guidance that promote positive landlord-tenant relationships, sometimes personalities get in the way of smart business practices (and common human decency) that create situations where a tenant feels threatened or harassed by their landlord.
What is landlord harassment?
Landlord harassment is when a landlord or property manager willingly creates a situation where a tenant feels uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that they wish to move or terminate a lease agreement. Landlord harassment and tenant harassment are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to a tenant feeling harassed by their landlord.
Harassing a tenant with the intention of making their living situation so uncomfortable they want to move or terminate a lease agreement is illegal.
Unfortunately, some landlords have turned to harassment in order to get tenants to move out of rent-controlled units, as seen in New York and California. Landlord harassment is considered such an issue in major cities of these states that specific laws and protections were created to protect renters and punish violators. See San Francisco, Santa Monica, CA, and NYC for examples of tenant protections against landlord harassment.
Getting accused of harassment is a serious issue that a landlord should not take lightly. If you find yourself butting heads with your tenant, as long as your tenant is not violating any lease terms, you have to let them live in the property throughout the duration of the lease. Both renters and landlords need to be aware of what constitutes true harassment.
Here is an overview of what is not acceptable behavior and what could be considered harassment:
- Taking away services provided in the lease (such as parking or laundry)
- Shutting of utilities for the purpose of harassment or eviction
- Entering an apartment without proper notice
- Changing the locks while a tenant is away
- Offering to buyout a tenant if they move and threatening an eviction if the tenant says no
- Performing unnecessary inspections, too often or at extremely inconvenient times for the tenant, like the middle of the night
- Lying or intimidating a tenant
- Giving a “three-day notice” or other eviction notice that is based on false charges
- Using fighting words or threatening bodily harm
- Refusing to do repairs that are required by law
- Intentionally disturbing a tenant’s peace and quiet
- Interfering with a tenant’s right to privacy
- Refusing to acknowledge receipt of a lawful rent payment
What to do if you feel harassed by your landlord:
You should always try and resolve an issue directly with the owner. If you rent from a property manager, talk to their manager or the owner of the management company. Clear and active communication can effectively solve a lot of problems and may settle a simple misunderstanding. If you have tried to work out a disagreement civilly and still feel harassed by a landlord, you should talk to an attorney about filing an official complaint and possibly seek damages.
A harassed tenant should also take the following steps to protect themselves:
- Keep a log of every encounter you have with your landlord. Make sure to take note of the time, date, and what was said.
- Write a letter to your landlord asking for the harassment to stop. Send the letter with proof of mailing and keep a copy of the letter.
- Ask a witness to be there for landlord interactions. Witness accounts and video recordings of your interactions can be used in court as long as they were done legally.
- Keep copies of all rental agreements, letters, notices, photos, names of witnesses, notes, and any other evidence used to support your claim.
- Call the police if you feel like you are in danger or your safety is threatened
Pro tip for landlords: If your tenants are accusing you of harassment, you will benefit from following these same tips. Take detailed notes of all your interactions. Use software designed for landlords to keep excellent records. Ask for a witness to join you and even record tenant interactions. Understand the law and know what qualifies as a legal eviction. Work with an attorney familiar with landlord-tenant laws in your state and city.
Some uninformed renters will be quick to assume they are being harassed when a landlord is actually performing normal rental management business.
Here are some examples of what is not considered harassment:
- Routine Inspections with proper notice
- Entering your property in the case of an emergency, like a gas leak or flood
- Routine Drive-By Inspections
- Installing outdoor security cameras for tenant and property safety
- Calling you regularly to collect past due rent
- Sending you notices to rectify a lease violation
- Giving you an eviction notice for failure to pay rent or for other lease violations
- Raising the rent to match market rates and providing proper notice
- Raising rent every year, even if the property has not been updated in a while
- Collecting money for property damage caused by the tenant beyond normal wear and tear
- Not repairing a washing machine that is owned by the tenant
Is There Protection From Landlord Retaliation?
There are additional protections for tenants against landlord retaliation. If a renter has asserted his rights to stand up against harassment or filed a complaint against a landlord who isn’t making repairs, most states consider any retaliation from a landlord in response to these actions as illegal.
Nolo provides a good explanation of State Laws Against Landlord Retaliation:
In almost all states, it is illegal for a landlord to retaliate against you for acting within your legal rights–for example, if you have:
- complained to a building inspector, fire department, health inspector, or other governmental agency about unsafe or illegal living conditions
- exercised your First Amendment rights to assemble and present your views collectively, as in joining or organizing a tenant union, or
- availed yourself of self-help strategies allowed by your state or local law, such as deducting money from the rent and using it to fix defects in the rental unit, or even withholding the rent entirely for an uninhabitable unit.
It’s important to understand that the antiretaliation laws will shield you only for those activities that are mentioned in your state’s statute. Not all states protect tenants for all three types of actions mentioned above. To see what’s covered, see your State Laws Prohibiting Landlord Retaliation. For example, in Washington, DC, a tenant who circulates a petition demanding better services cannot be retaliated against; but that same activity would not be protected in Florida, since “exercise of a legal right” isn’t included in Florida’s statute.
Also, keep in mind that eight states—Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wyoming—do not have statutes or court decisions protecting tenants against retaliation. – https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/renters-rights-book/chapter11-1.html
Landlords and property managers are required to provide a safe and secure living situation for their renters. Refusing to make repairs, intimidating your tenants, or retaliating against a tenant complaint is against rental housing regulations and will negatively affect a renter’s experience living on your property. If a renter feels threatened while living on your property or feels like you are treating them unfairly, they may be within their rights to file a complaint and work with an attorney to take you to court for damages. Housing providers need to be familiar with all landlord-tenant laws and any tenant protections in your area in order to best protect themselves from unintentionally harassing a tenant.
Want to learn more? Discover some examples of landlord harassment cases where a tenant was awarded damages for Outrageous Landlord Conduct, as reported by Tobener Law Center of San Francisco.
Feel like you are being harassed by your housing provider?
Rentec Direct provides this content for educational purposes only. We cannot offer advice or tips on how to deal with your harassment case. Landlord-tenant laws vary significantly from state to state and for each municipality. If you feel like you are being harassed, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local housing authority and/or speak with a licensed attorney who is familiar with landlord-tenant law in your area. If you feel like you are in danger, contact the police.
This article was originally published in June 2017 and has since been updated.
There are other types of harassment: stealing legal documents, clothes, shoes, jewelry, family pictures, property titles, passports, social security cards, birth certificates, disabling the alarm system by hacking the e-mail account, disabling the Wifi in the tenant´s computer.
Im 29, handicap and disabled with p.t.s.d…..my Landlord has shut of my cable, wifi, hot water and baricaded my windows and put a lock on my fridge….his moms stealing my mail and medication. The 2nd exit(emergency exit) has been Randomly Blocked..with a huge wall that wasnt there when moving in, he constantly calls cops and says i am threatening to kill him..he was 3 vicious doggs that bite right outside my door? What can i do?
Yikes, this sounds like a very serious situation. I would reach out to your local housing authority to report the situation and any code violations. If your safety is threatened, I suggest contacting your police department. It might be time to find a new housing solution, but make sure to document all your interactions with your landlord and speak with a local attorney about your options.
My landlady has violated my lease, threats, harassment and putting my life at risk of another stroke and not caring. Doesn’t care about me not being around smoking, because of severe health issues, I’ve had polyps removed, before. She has a violent temper. Breaks city code, health, safety if me, being a tenant. Risking my life daily. This has to stop. I’m a senior and handicapped, with severe health issues. She breaches the lease and doesn’t care, refuses to do repairs, doesn’t keep promises, even in front of witnesses. Please help me go after landlady for everything. It’s dangerous in this building, I’ve almost fallen down the stairs, NO LIGHTING OVER stairs. I have over two pages plus of repairs that haven’t been done.
Landlord Changed in Management. Previous Landlord kept sloppy books. All receipts were lost showing rental payments. New Management filed illegal eviction, stating non-payment for June and July Rent 2019. Answer and receipts were kept by me in my home. Receipts shows overpayments. All receipts showing proof of payments were given to Judge 7/23/19. He has not yet sent a response as of today. Should I be concerned? Can I sue my landlord for defamation of character? What if I want to move out?? What should I do while I’m waiting on the Judge’s response???? M
I’ve been told there’s nothing I can do but file small claims then be prepared to be evicted. Uses foul language to my face in front of my 10 month old grandson, bullies, refuses to talk to me unless it’s for $ otherwise it’s my daughter – wants us out as soon as possible and boy would I love to except I’m broke and unemployed – while displaced due to leak, lost two jobs and have been stuck with high electric/water bills for month of July I was barely even here – paid for two hotels myself since worker was drinking on job but landlord didn’t care – gave out keys to our unit to who knows who – dangerous situation. Nice townhome too. Shame.
My down stairs naighbor is going to that land loard office and make up.lies saying she seen me an my mommthat doesnt live with mwom smoking in the hall and on the property and they don’t have me on camera.i am disabled and have trouble comprehensind things and there takeing advanteg of me please help.jeff poirier
I would get a camera in your house, one of the hidden security cameras. Once you have sufficient evidence file a police report. As far as the mail, that’s a FEDERAL offense. Report that too. Check your local landlord-tenant laws too. There is a National org called Tenants Together.org they started in San Francisco California, but have gone nationwide. They are really helpful and they may be able to help you get specific information for your individual situation. or give you some attorney sources.
Landlords who harass and intentionally inflict emotional distress can be ordered to pay you money damages, Or refund rent you’ve already paid, for the unlawful habitability issues, hot water is usually considered a habitability issue.
Definetly get some video evidence. Your area may require notice you’re using video surveillance , so just p ost warnings on your door or wall where it won’t be hidden., that you have video surveillance for security purposes, just to cover yourself to false claims of unlawful recording, and try to only deal with landlord in writing, even if you have to say it twenty thousand times, just repeat the same requests to rectify the situation, and if the landlord tries to get you to lose your temper, revert to things like “ I’m not sure what you are referring to, but as I have stated, I am making an official request that you rectify the “ hot water” situation in a timely manner. Most importantly and keep a diary of every time you find even one little thing of yours bothered by the landlord or every instance you ask for a repair, or when you ask him to keep his animals on a leash or safely away from your unit. The diary will go a long way in court, because it’s generally considered as honest. Courts don’t feel people would go through the trouble to make a diary of notes based on lies. There is a very good reason why this is useful, aside from proof. . Because a diary can be used to support verbal claims, your case of instances of harassments, once documented, each instance of harassment can become worth a specified $$$ amount, again PER INSTANCE. so it can add up fast.
In order to take their power away, if any, Always pay on time,. Aside from non payment, unless you are destroying the place or doing unlawful things, there is literally no power he can justify using. The courts sympathize with landlords who have problem payers, I’m not saying you are one, but it’s valuable to prove you are an ideal tenant,
As far as bothering you with viscous animals, try to get that on video. Call animal control if those dogs bite you or charge at you. Also make sure you notate the loss of sleep, Nightmares, and inability to do your work duties too, loss of appetite and fear to leave your unit, because of threat against your life. Tell your doctor too so there is notes in your medical records to support your claims , of course if this is happening. Make a police report for false crime reporting too, and for landlord harassment.
I’m going through a slumlord situation , with an absolute liar. In my case I’ve never denied entry ever, except one time when it was unannounced, and now she brings the sheriff every time. While it’s her right to ask for an escort, I too can request a sheriff to come when she wants to enter as well. Our police here don’t like it when people waste their time.
Read your areas landlord tenant laws thoroughly, then once finished, READ THEM AGAIN. The more law you know the more power you have against creeps like that landlord. I find citing the particular laws, really helps get the point across that you know and understand the laws. It sounds like that landlord doesn’t.
Good luck to you, and Always stand up and yell if you have to, when it comes to your rights. Teach the landlord that it’s gonna cost them to abuse an emotionally disabled person, Report it to HUD, because there may be some discrimination going on here. There are lots of legal things that can be done while your civil court case against the landlord is pending. but if you are in California, you are in a state that will punish the landlord. I don’t know what happened as far as your PTSD, but if you are a veteran, thank you for your service. At anyrate, someone like your landlord bullying someone who suffers from PTSD with viscous dogs I would think is criminal , as much as a civil violation. I’m not an attorney, nor do I offer legal advice, I’m just letting you know what I am doing to fight back to a slumlord who won’t fix a thing.
Flonkette, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! From a CA resident
want to but paraplegic in wheelchair I’ve got all Ill State landlord tenant laws but here every one the health dept and all noting we can do she did it because she got a violation from city inspector on porch roof she’s known for 2 yeas when it rains and freezes has icicles coming thru the middle seam of roof and bends the roof down after she found out the violation on the 05th she had her workers come take my storm door off and no way out an the doors between those and garage no way out with wheelchair. have pics he took and every one I’ve taken . i’m dying i have every disease and conditions from A TO Z since age 5 i tried every one here and in Springfield all say noting we can do i want to just move left cold last winter telling me nothing wrong with furnace one guy she send last summer found out needed new furnace,told me nothing wrong with frig til she came up and took a small drink fro m frig says warn got new frig i have died 3 times because heart stopped time it’s taking a huge affect on my health. the State of ILLinois writes these laws but don’t follow them
hi I’m in need of some advice my mother in law lives in a trailer park here in Colorado. She owns her camper and just rents the space. She has lived there for over a year now she is disabled and is over 60. Her sister and brother in law also live in the same park and gave for going on 4year.
Here is the issue until recently there was no issues. Then like over night our family told my husband I that we were not allowed to come over and if we did that they would all get evicted. We have been dealing with this for almost a year. It has been third party threats from the land lord to other family members. And has put a huge wedge in between our family which once was very close. Now because of this we stay away from our family so that they don’t get all stressed out about possible eviction. All of this stress is really making my mother in law very ill as well as its taking its tol on my husband as well. They are slandering my husband. Accusing him if things go wrong even if we rant there, the landlord has never met or even k owe what my husband and I look like much less our names. I need to see what kind of discrimination charges I should and what type of compensation should we sue him for. As I feel that he owes my family for all the pain and suffering he has inflicted on them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Looking forward to Your advice.
Keidren, I would say start with getting a nolo landlord tenant law book for your state. You can get them on eBay or at your bookstore.
I been in a battle with the manager her family and crew I the box for a year when they set in .motion an conspiracy to destroy me and hold me hostages
Overly intruding on my life and personal life
Hi Kaycee, I am a 50 year old man who suffers from schizoaffective disorder and asthma and for the last two years (last 7 months abused) have rented a room. On March 18, my landlord alongside his friend, a child support attorney, filed a fake restraining order against me and taped a notice written on his letterhead the 30 days of a notice I received about that time prior, had elapsed and that as of 3PM that day I would be considered a trespasser and arrested. That the R.O. had been approved and filed. Sadly, I had received several of these notices whenever he was in a mood, all of which I ran by Legal Aid who told me they were useless as none were backed by the courts.
I left that day per Legal Aid’s advice as they were unable to see what the RO said. On March 18th, after discovering the RO stood no ground and was thrown out immediately, I returned to the home, where my roommates were there not allowing me in. I called the police and he hid in the house but his attorney showed up and BOLD FACED lied to the police and told them I had always been a single lodger, and thus, they were able to evict me in this way. I have never, not for one day, been a single lodger, no one has. there are always multiple. The police had no choice but to take his word for it and to make matters worse, all of my property, including the clothes and medication I had were all stolen from me and sadly, I had an entire two bedroom apartment’s full of stuff. My laptop, everything.
I was forced into homelessness and being mentally ill I have great difficulty with forms and follow through or even who to approach as NO ONE will help me. How can he get away with this? Please help me, I don’t know how much more I can survive as I also have a crippled french bulldog who has suffered a great deal as well.
Thank you
Lawrence, your situation sounds difficult. I would recommend you go back to the legal aid office as well as speak with your local housing authority and take with you all the documentation including your rental agreement and any letters and notices received so they can understand the entire situation.
My landlord knocks on my door all hours of the night when his son comes home drunk and starts breaking things in the house I’ve even witnessed his son almost kill him I have a disability and I want peace but it’s always screaming at all hours of the night what can I sue him for
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles Lisa. We can not offer legal advice and would suggest if you feel threatened and in danger reach out to the authorities. Then, contact an attorney familiar with real estate law to discuss your options.
Okay question what do I do now being purchased through with my landlord I’ve been renting for 5 years no late payments no violations and all of a sudden he decided to put a small house in our backyard and it’s putting lectric water septic and a driveway through our backyard through our side fence putting our dog depressed from our neighbors dogs telling us we need to buy electric collars instead of having the kids up because that’s what we’ve been paying for he’s been violating our rights or safety or privacy he’s been coming on the property for the last two weeks working on there without letting us know from 7 in the morning to 3 in the p.m. what do I do who do I get in contact with any kind of information will help to make him stop there’s no talking to him he’s doing what he wants and if we say anything he’s going to kick us out 30-day notice
Jaylyn, in many places it is in the property owner’s rights to build additional dwelling units, garages, and other structures on their rental property. Right to privacy doesn’t always mean guaranteed fencing is required, especially during a construction project. The hours of construction and/or visits might be a concern but that really depends on your state and local regulations and your lease agreement terms. I would contact your local housing authority to discuss your concerns as they would best be able to inform you of your rights and the landlord responsibilities based on your specific location and terms of your rental agreement.
Missouri landlords no they have an upper hand and can do anything they want to us renters. But HUD the local health department and the housing department do nothing to protect the tenants even though they pay the subsidies to these landlords. I’m on my second apartment in Kansas City and I’m dealing with the same thing I dealt with with my first apartment in Kansas City. Landlord property manager that refuses to do any maintenance. I’ve lived here since May there’s been no pest control I have mice I have roaches. I have a hole in the wall in the bathroom with the tiles have fallen off I have a clogged shower that’s been that way for a month the whole wall in the shower’s been there at least 4 months. So instead of dealing with the maintenance issues they’ve chosen to retaliate against me and impounded my truck saying that it was disabled which is not true but my tags were expired. Yes my tags were expired but mine are not the only mine is not the only vehicle in the parking lot that expired tags. These landlords continue to be slumlords not do any maintenance not care about us tenants I requested the mold form that’s supposed to be filled with the city and state and with HUD stating that the apartment is mold free which is a lie. Maintenance has not been done like I said I’ve been without a short shower a month now and 3 months with the hole in the wall. So yeah that’d be really nice if Missouri could change some laws and protect the tenants because they do pay subsidies to these apartment buildings and landlords. Just because I’m poor just because I’m disabled doesn’t mean I have to live in unhealthy unsafe conditions and be harassed by landlords that refuse to do anything.
What if ur landlord constantly threatening u with warrants and doing everything to make u uncomfortable even stealing from in the wee hours of the night?
MOVE? if you don’t like it there pay your rent and utilities and give notice and leave. I would suspect they would let you leave without giving notice
Not everyone can move. If she is disabled, she probably can’t afford to move. Plus, why should anyone be forced to move just so they aren’t being harassed?
im a senior and i hope somebody can possible give me some advice because of my situation with the landlady and the neighbors and their daughter and grandchildren living with them in a one bedroom apartment and the mother of the children has a conviction of theft i moved in less than a yr. ago cause it is suppose to be a senior apartment complex and i pay rent and these extra people do not as far as i know. i am after less than a yr. moving again to avoid a nervous breakdown to a much more exspensive place and much smaller and farther away from my dr. etc. i am at the end of my rope and i dont want to move but all these extra people and chaos all the time it isnt peaceful or a senior apartment i thought it was when i signed a lease and moved in. there are so many people coming and going all the time. and the older daughter of the two children is a teen with a boyfriend who has been verbally abusive to me in the past. i dont need this at 63yrs old. and we all have open mailboxes and with this woman with the theft conviction it’s a constant worry if im not home when the mail arrives. i have filed reports online with the proper authorities to no avail. any advice for me while im packing?
I completely agree with you Melanie. I have a new Manager from hell, She obviously hates dealing with the disabled. If I had the funds to move. Pay deposits look of a new Apartment and pay movers I soooo would But that isn’t possible in my case. The woman across from me is a hoarder and has the walkway cluttered and is outside all day long. An addendum is the lease says this is a violation but she does nothing about it. They wont give me a stove that works. She entered my apartment with a man and I had surgery the day before. I couldn’t get out of bed. They woke me .I panicked and fell to the floor. They did not help me or call anyone. Just said they could come in whenever they wanted. and left me there.
Thank you, she made me live on the second floor, knowing I can’t do stairs very well. Can’t put pictures, drapes, nothing, I’m also a diabetic and it’s always freezing. She allows the rest of the tenants to do whatever they want, including loud music/TV, in everyone’s lease it says No loud music/ TV, No parties, but certain tenants are allowed to do whatever they want, because she doesn’t care what the lease says. How can I get her arrested for harassment, threats, putting my life at risk of danger,? Please help me.
It isn’t that east Sandy. I have a new Manager from hell, She obviously hates dealing with the disabled. If I had the funds to move. Pay deposits look of a new Apartment and pay movers I soooo would But that isn’t possible in my case. The woman across from me is a hoarder and has the walkway cluttered and is outside all day long. An addendum is the lease says this is a violation but she does nothing about it. They wont give me a stove that works. She entered my apartment with a man and I had surgery the day before. I couldn’t get out of bed. They woke me .I panicked and fell to the floor. They did not help me or call anyone. Just said they could come in whenever they wanted. and left me there.
done move that is what the landlord wants you to do stand your ground do it legally
My landlord keeps outing crazy neighbors bye me one of them was taking drugs and he dose not care what should I do
obviously its never happened to u. people like you are heartless
@ Sandy – Seems like a no-brainier right?
WRONG! Many, many people on disability ( in case you don’t know, disability payment are not enough to live on much less build a savings account for emergencies such as this. They don’t have the money to move or anything that comes with it; rental truck, deposits, plus many other problems so they stay where they are.
They don’t have enough money to pay the monthly bills and still have food in the house.
Most if not all have no saving account…where is it supposed to come from?
That means putting up with shady landlords and no repairs or help from the landlord.
I agree with everything you say; my biggest question is: “We residents are the REVENUE SOURCE!” We PAY to be in our apartments, and should not be expected to move if the person whose salary and benefits we pay decides to act up. Not only is there no longer compassion and common decency toward the most vulnerable in society, it’s now considered fair game to turn against the paying customer! Definitely the decline of the american empire!
Easy to say – have the $ and great credit score for the move? Unreal – like no one thought of that
Tha’ts right, Renee. It seems lower income apartments now want you to have a credit score of at least 550-650. People on disability frequently have scores below 300 because they are trying to pay bills and for needs and just are not being given enough to do that. They may have had a job before with a good credit score and became disabled and lost the job and now cannot pay bills the way they were before. Also, many have at least 1 pet and so then you may have difficulty finding a low income place that will accept the pet, and then there are more fees with that. Then there is the deposit. Most disabled people don’t have that kind of money lying around and there really isn’t enought at the end of the month to save up for it. Also, low income apartments are almost always alike in many ways. That means when you move, you’re just exchanging one trouble for another, then you feel you need to move again. People can’t just move their life away. They need to have some stability, so that maybe, if they have a chance to rehabilitate, they can get a job to improve their circumstances.
call and attorney and take video of all these accounts pretty straight forward if your va affiliated then call the va they have people for this
I do not know what State you are in. But most states like where I am (CA), also HUD. They take your complaint and schedule a phone appointment. They ask you to tell your story, and shoot it down every step of the way. I had to fight with all I had to get them to take it on the only issue regaring Landlord denying your a service/emotional support animal. So to those who do not have those animal you are screwed as of a couple years ago State & Fed Departmental Agency for Unlawful or Disabled Housing Services were cut (STATE, FEDERAL & Assisting NON-PROFITS): my message to my advocate was;
…Do you know, I actually had a person that took a complaint from the CA Code Enforcement (due to Property Manager’s refusal of requested cockroach pet control.) I was informed or confirmed what I already knew and sensed as a the pattern and trend of the emerged.
DFEH has effectively “closed”. Is why it was virtually impossible for me to file any of my valid a discrimination and harassment complaints. They no longer serve all persons with disabilities or anyone people without disabilities.
I believe it has been reduced and diverted to possibly elderly, children and non-citizens. But hopefully physically and developmentally disabled people. I had to use everything I had and could summon from within to keep them from concluding phone interviews and open cases they had already mentioned qualified and they could handle but they still wanted to end and close.
It will only get worse… fight back hard
To NJ , know it’s neither here nor there, but I had a terrible cockroach issue, nothing worked, I found this stuff in a little syringe like applicator, it was $30 for three tubes. I had three different types of roaches. This is true, I swear it, I used Advion ( that’s the name of the product) ONE time, and I never saw a roach again. I used less than one tube . Well actually I saw one the next day upside down dying. I had tried every product I could find for years. I found it on Amazon, it’s a tan colored goo that you put a dime sized spot anywhere the roaches may cross it. They eat it like it’s crack or something, and then they go back to the nest. Roaches are canibals, it really works. Because a lot of landlords or exterminators claim you need monthly spraying. I’ve never had to use it again, it’s been six years. Every one of my neighbors has them on my block. This company makes ant stuff too.
In California it largely depends on which county you are in. But you have rights as a renter here, and the landlord has responsibilities. There are some Pro-Bono ( free) legal help in most counties. You may have to file a case in civil court, as there are no landlord police to enforce your rights. So the way to get help is thru money damages in civil court. But code enforcement , ive had experience with and while they can red tag a landlords buildings and force them to make repairs, if the condition is too terrible, it can backfire and they can lock you out! I actually had people who moved into the yard where I rented a house, and I couldn’t even get them removed right away. They had mean dogs code enforcement witness the trespassers send to attack me. The trespasser retaliated with animal control who ticketed ME for my own cats bothering a trespasser in my own yard. Ridiculous. But the upside was that in my case code enforcement let us stay, the owner had 11 fixes due in 14 days and was fined $14,000 a day after that. The owner disappeared in middle of night and had to give up his house . I’ve also been injured permanently due to a dangerous condition and had to sue , which in my opinion I got almost nothing compared to a lifetime of pain. But it’s important if your landlord tries to unlawfully evict you, you can file a counter suit for harassment and abuse. I’ve mentioned somethings I’ve been doing above.
Personally I’m sick and tired of ridiculous high rents, which landlords let get rundown, and think a tenant is some kind of lowly person who isn’t entitled to quiet enjoyment of the home they rent. I live in Riverside county after our house foreclosed due to worst case predatory loan, I’ve had four landlords. Each one worse than the previous. The only exception was an old man, who sold it to the woman who owns it now. This woman wouldn’t even fix major gas leaks. I called the gas man and he found six leaks in or around my house. The owner has not fixed anything else . My ex paid rent on time against my wishes, rather than deduct and repair, that actually places us in a very good legal position, since California has something called Warrsnty of Habitability. That can entitle us to get rent refunded for any month this place has not been in perfect and repaired condition. I know I can’t afford to move because I’m upset at her, but now I’m going to counter sue her unlawful retaliatory eviction, and ask for punitive damages.
I nope I can help you find a way to not just have to take it anymore. I am going by the letter of the law.
Girl you need some serious back!
I work out of town and that’s when the mess starts.he hits my wife up for sexual favors when I’m gone.so one day I lied and took the day off work.here comes the landlord.this time when he sexually harassed her I recorded it.now we are in an ugly lawsuit.I need to know who takes this kind of harassment seriously because the police and the judge of our residing prescint have heard the recording and have done nothing about it.please help.
Who do you turn to.the judge and police know the issue and have heard the evidence.where you go from here I don’t know.
Oh my gosh, that’s terrible. It sounds like you already have a lawyer if you have made it to court, that is good. You should also be reporting this to your local housing authority.
Well, find him on Facebook, post it on his wall and to as many friends as you can find. Put it on youtube, and post on reddit. Notify as many anti-rape, harassment, and feminist groups as humanly possible with the photo, video, and his contact information. If he has an employer, send it to the HR department or as many of his coworkers as you can. Even if it comes back as you legally as”defaming” him, the damage will be done. If anyone looks his name up online, that video will be the top of the search results. His wife will divorce, any future dates will see what he did that and run away. If he wants a new job, good luck to him on that. His life will be ruined, regardless of the law.
My landlord b is bipolar and rents out room’s. I was up hill at 1st and right away there is a tenant I shared a hallway with and she verbally abused all the time just for walking past her room she is a bully and is this way with everyone. I’m kind and give to everyone. I’m attractive and have a car. And most tenants do not and r drug and alcohol addicted. This horrible women is a liar and I stand up to her in which most r afraid of her. Back to landlord. Serious issues he enters my room whenever and told him not to several times he also is intimidating insulting and when I stand up to him he says u got c to move. My car was hit in his driveway by his nephew and he evaded responsibility but came back next day was made to to this happened in dec18 and still has not paid for damage I brought it up to landlord last week he said I will work on that but then u will have to move what kind of shit is this. He does so many illegal things I have never been talked to by a landlord like does he is going to force me to make acomplaint
Get your doctor to document the physiological side effects that the anxiety is causing you. You can sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress, loss of consortium due to stress, fear, lack of concentration, paranoia , nightmares, and agoraphobia are things that come to mind. Try calling a personal injury attorney. They usually will take cases on contingency. But this sounds more like a personal injury case rather than landlord abuses. And aside from the stress from the landlord sexual harassment to your wife, you can sue for lack of consortium, or loss of affection and sex due to the mental distress the abusive creep is causing. No one will laugh at you in civil court for personal injury and sexual harassment. You just need to bring it yo the court that can help you. Keep a diary of instances of distress like crying or fear and try to talk to a personal injury attorney. I am thinking he will tell you this is worth a money judgement.
Then maybe that landlord will think twice before trying to use his power as the property owner to obtain sexual favors from someone whom he seems to realize is upset by what he foes. If he offers to trade rent for sex, that is solicitation for prostitution, which is a crime as much as prostitution is. The reason the police might not have acted might be because he didn’t force her or do anything but ask. Criminally he may not have broken the law, but that doesn’t mean civilly you don’t have just cause to sue… it’s just my opinion. But maybe it might help. Definetly call her doctor. That makes your claims of emotional injury validated by an expert.
I can only assume this to be a SPOOF comment. If this poster can post to this forum (no wifi huh?), then they can figure out what to do to protect their rights.
Some people are able to use a computer briefly at a library during certain hours, or they might be able to briefly use a friend’s computer to post.
OMG, Call The police. Have these things documented, Contact Fair Housing in your State, Contact any organization that prevents harassment of the disabled . they should help, I am disabled and my Apt Manager is a nightmare, She hates having to accommodate disabled Tenants, She refused a Legal Letter claiming my 2 cats were comfort animals. I did get her on that one. Most landlords and Managers do not know the laws about these things. If you have a smart phone or something small that will record conversations. See if there is a Meals On Wheels Chapter where you live. They have more resources that just help with meals. Call Animal Control and take pictures even if you think they are unimportant . God Bless and I hope this stops . Having Disabilities id hard enough to live with without all of this stress. I wish you well ..
Charles, good suggestions.
Landlord keeps putting 5-day notices on the door but it’s not signed by a judge or a constable they do it every day folded up and stick it in my door now they are refusing to accept my rent I have already went down to the courthouse they said I have to wait for them to filed some type of paperwork so that I can fight it but I am really lost and tired of them constantly putting these notes on my door
My landlady in hud govt housing was putting ywo or three lease violations on my door per day. For asking for repairs for talking tp tennants for being on the phone in the lobby for crying when i needed an ambulance!my blood pressure went so high i was at the energency room twice all night. She contacted .my employer frequently which lwd to.me being fired. I gave four weeks. Notice and rent was paid when i moved. She had told my pastor to gey me out or she would evict. I got out. Two months later she charged me 1800 for moving out and hsrged me wirh frsud and turned me into collections now i cant rent snywhere. 65 snd disabled
Well I have my landlord harassment never fixs anything paid rent full use that he can’t talk English which he can in court and right cleaner to me and I have black mould in my home have put a side lock on my front door and plus saying I have to leave in 2 weeks or the shirff is coming on the 4th of Feb i have called them and told them I have 90 days to moved which Jan 1st to until Apirl would be the last month I can be here plus he didn’t have heat on last year and trying to say I broke my own window never did and I had to put up camera around my home where I had people kicking down my door all this happen after he took over and my ex have left the home here and saying I am his girlfriend which not true i would never would hell no..Plzs I need the help
Terrible andbi thought we got screwed over I’m sorry you where violated I’m sure you didn’t deserve that
My daughter and son-in-law are buying a house on land contract. The person selling them the house wrote out on paper utilities are including in the rent. The water was shut off by the health dept. in order for my daughter can put the utility in her name the bill has to be paid. They thought the landlord was paying. WRONG! the bill was 1,100 dollars. So now they paid it in full and because of that they used the monthly payment to get the water turned on the landlord is harassing them and now getting the neighbors involved. They are planning to start giving him the money in November so they can catch up on the bills they had to stop in order to pay the water to get turned on. They have 8 children and now the landlord is evicting them in 3 days (he is in idiot). The neighbors says he can but no law will hold him for it because the letter has not been notarized
All of these things was is being done to me i don’t really know where to start or what to do with this situation do u know any one that could help me i have moved and still being harrased
Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My landlord swears at me and is very belligerent whenever I call about a legitimate problem. I am very uncomfortable calling himfor anything because I know I am going to be verbally abused. What do I do?
Record all interactions with your landlord, either by recording the phone call or taking detailed notes of what was said. Try to have a friend around as a witness when you interact with your landlord. Call the cops if you ever feel in danger. And maybe consider looking for a new place to live. If he isn’t actually doing anything illegal or threatening you during your interactions, then you might not be able to prosecute him, so moving to a better living situation is probably your best option to relieve the stress.
Be careful with the advice you provide. In some states (CA for example) recording a phone conversation WITHOUT the other party’s consent is a felony.
That’s an excellent point Justin, thank you for pointing that out. It is always important to ask for permission before recording a phone call or taking a video. That might be why email or text communication is preferred because you have a written copy of the interaction already. You can also take detailed notes of phone calls or in-person conversations.
It looks like California isn’t the only state with strict laws against recording phone calls without consent. Here’s website that provides more details about phone recording laws: https://www.callrail.com/blog/is-it-legal-to-record-phone-conversations-in-your-state/
Thanks for your valuable input.
my landlord just stole my water hose (theft) he has denied me 5 times to water my lawn which is stated in the lease I have to keep up on then when my lawn gets terrible he threatens fines so today he will get a surprise police visit when I charge him for trespassing and theft as well as harassment under taking away services provided in the lease and performing unnecessary inspections to often he came to my home 5 times yesterday and the 5th time he stole my hose im also charging him intentionally disturbing a tenants peace and quiet since I have ptsd this puts me in a guard status and I have to make checks for my security and safety so I will bring the law to him
Can you help me? My landlord is fording us to show the house with our things in it. I’m on disability and PTSD and she said “we HAE to”
I hear your concerns, Donna, and wish I had better news to offer. With proper notification, the landlord does have the right to show the house while occupied.
as a landlord point of view you need to protect yourself…record all your convos with your abusive landlord. no one should take crap from anyone.
on the other hand if you call constantly for repairing stuff, then you might check yourself and be more careful and conscious of how to treat things that are not yours.
My family and I have been living in a house for almost ten years. I had sadi a long time ago to my family we should begin documenting the issues but they didn’t want to believe it was necessary. there were times when the police came to our side of the house too about incidents, but these were not documented by us. recently, My shoes were stolen among many other things. It just seems like petty theft crime. what is the right course of action?
I would start by documenting every incident. You should also get renters insurance to help protect your belongings. If you feel unsafe, call the police. You can also make police reports about stolen items.
I am living in a harassing situation in which all of my property is being destroyed along with rent payments, payments of utilities, and all other important documentation. What can I do since money was also stolen and I do not want to be homeless.
That is a very stressful and scary situation. You need to gather proof and evidence that your property is being destroyed. I would also highly suggest speaking with an attorney for some legal advice.
I live in public housing in wa I’m 63 disablied they have taking everything but a few clothes n have gassed us twice they never stop I’ve been profiled by property manager cant barsky get my meds or use transportation when I leave they hurt my cat
Dated and there were all that you guys have on the Internet that’s what they did was coming into our apartment was the day they manage didn’t even knock she just got the key and open our door the good thing we had the chain on the door and they didn’t ask permission to come in and they’ve been doing expections often without us knowing sometimes and put in there one day one day before they come in And there are tenants that live around us they all have cameras and we told the manager that they have cameras and why do they have cameras around as we want to do a lawsuit on them because they put cameras and supposedly they can I put cameras in the building
I’m living in truck my landlord got away with coming in on me naked sleep I’m run down exhausted he shut off utility’s I called 912 they were on his side help me
I’m elderly mentally ill dog and I are sick from heat living in truck no bath no clothes no money for legal help of safe place to hide
File a police report with the date and time. They will give you a report or incident # that you can use if you file a small claim in court.
You need to tell the truth here
If you don’t have the money for your lawyer they drop you like a hot potato . Even when the case is on contingency!!
I live in a building in Hamilton Ontario. My so called super smokes crystal meth with a tenant right above me and the have been causing trouble for two month and nobody is doing anything about it. Drug dealing and smoking with a young boy in the apt..Someone tell me what to do other than the tenant board because I’m still waiting to hear from them. My wife is disabled with cerebral palsy.
Jayson Mooney
Hamilton, Ont
132 gailmont dr
My landlord has made my life miserable for over a year I have been denied safe housing and my service dog. I’ve been told lies on made fake police report and said I’ve was intoxicated driving erratic thrown drinks at her said I threatened her with bodily harm and much more…. She is trying to get me evicted and is making my life miserable I’m afraid to be there. She has also put dirt in my tank had my truck towed cost me 800 to get it back… Much more
I have contacted my local police and told them that she is committing fraud and she has harassed me with a picture and she has passed this out which is not true she has no evidence of it of illegal drugs and now she’s saying I’m not paying rent by holding the check and she wants me out before winter so she can sell the house well I found out why because the foundation is cracked and it’s falling in right now and I told my local police department about it and they will not do nothing because she is head of City council and this is in Albion Indiana small town and it’s not right it’s fraud and the cops won’t do nothing about it
I’m 24 living with my mother and fiance with 2 little girls. Yesterday my landlord/park manager decide he was gonna try to evict us because our lawn wasn’t mowed and that we needed to pay him 45$ to mow it. My mother told him that she was gonna mow it and he called her very vulgar names and calling her stupid. He had his brother mow our lawn without our consent and we asked him to get off the property if he was going to harass us but he said that he was the park manager and he’d do whatever he wants. They destroyed my mom’s flowers and her skirting. I called the cops and even they said I’d get a lawyer because he definitely did something unreasonable. Any advice on where to look too for a lawyer for this situation. I live in Ohio rn.
Unfortunately Robert, I can’t offer legal advice but would suggest when you do an internet search, try “Real Estate Attorney in [+ city or area]”. You could also contact your local housing authority as they might have some resources or advice they can offer regarding your situation. If you are in a mobile home or RV park community try an internet search that includes the term “ombudsman” such as “mobile home ombudsman [+ state]” or “park ombudsman [+state]”. The term “ombudsman” is often used to mean one who investigates and helps resolve complaints. I hope you find this helpful and that your situation resolves quickly.
Hi I am disabled and my landlord brought a camera in my home and was secretly recording me for 7 months without my knowledge. She asked could she use my wifi to run her cameras out front and she told me it. Was a wifi box and then entire time it was a blink camera with 2 way audio she told me to take 30 off my rent which I did not do .I told her I wanted to move my caseworker told me I could not move unless she signed my release from lease form awhich my lease was coming due to being up. This woman refused to sign my form. She lied and said she was going on vacation never went on vacation Then mysteriously right when I try to move my ceiling in back closet started leaking as well as ceiling in living both collapsed at the same time.a week apart of each other. She took her time fixing it purposely it happened at 12th of month they made me wait all the way till the end of the month with mold. Spiders bugs and cockroaches coming out of hole 28th and 29th is when they started working on repairs when rent was due . Then the guys they brought in my home broke my toilet seat in bathroom and pulled the a/c controller off the wall. She sent another guy to my home he took the unit apart and left and stayed gone 2 1/2 hours left me on them heat while it was 100 degrees outside. This was done purposely cause the guy had a smirk on his face laughing and he took my air off auto and put it on on trying to run my bill up her left and then entire unit was out all night I reached out to he r she told me I would have to wait till after 6 pm next day .the guy never showed up she sent someone else and its was fixed in a matter of seconds. I had to god spend my bill money too get a floor fan and its was still got even with that.
Landlord started a year ago out park went from a happy
Place free from abuse if there dad emotional mentally verbally phycial socially. I was trapped in his home four years.then u move there own my own home. Next year she comes in flat tire stuck in the snow never notified me. She towed it. IAM disabled from an accident. The tow truck place wouldn’t give ya out belongings said it didn’t belong to us wanted a brand new title nothing wrong with one u had he never seen it. There dad made sure we walked endlessly around town. She and her husband would pound on the house to get us out over little things u felt trapped all over again after each thing she did he added to it making a nightmare. Cear program she delayed paper work lieing to the place and to tenants so they would owe another month.she told my gram and church not to pay. June came 6th eviction notice on a Sunday. There dad took my mail key. So she posted on Facebook our community page for everyone to hound me for my keys. The mail man told me she wanted my mail. One time she had complained about cement bricks her and her husband blamed my kid and baby for playing with them which they didn’t. So they moved them into an empty trailer spot. Kids got hurt alot. I was neighborhood mom nurse snacks art play lady. She also had hired a new neighbor too call cops to my house everyday. To push us out. All false lies the cops didn’t listen. Only four real ones of there dad doing his inside outside games running me down inside going outside acting like it was me. He would purposely not listen to me everything I didn’t want t our baby to do or be he took him anyways. Then used that against me. She would in turn harrass and threaten me because he wouldn’t stop coming around. Only way to get stuff from outside. Even though it was torment. She stopped sending me rent statements in November lied to court about it.jept my rent. While on zoom she had someone break in my home take my dog trash my house. I have witnessed door was locked. First
Can landlords tell U to get there medical equipment out of the units if there is no storage available ? also tell U to get rid of dressers andf desks etc? I got 3 dressers and 3 desk and 2 file cabins cause of bills been paid and unpaid for over 5 yrs I got to keep then throw out.
Yes my landlord has taken all of the above and threatening me daily
So what if the land lord comes over anytime he wants with no notice at times like 7 AM and 9 PM randomly. Never fixes anything that you tell him is wrong until the city makes him do it (without you calling the city) tries to make you pay for his citations when youve told him long before of the problems at hand. And verbally threatens you that he has money and does not care how much it cost’s so long as he can find a way to have some criminal charges filed against you of any kind even if he has to hire someone to do something. Took every ounce of my being not to say anything back or snap his jaw. Landlord is (name removed for privacy) in Louisville KY. he is also a child doctor with an office on Broadway. I can look over his annoyances and ignorance. but I am not paying his fines that are his fault. I have children which he also disrespects. This man is a worthless human being. I am moving On my own to get away from this man. I do not take kindly to threats. I have not argued with him or nothing I just bite my tongue.
Hey Rudyard, It sounds like you and your landlord really don’t get along. The question I would ask myself if I were you is: Is it worth continuing to live here, or would I be happier somewhere else?
I never understood why people stay in these “horrible” situations. JUST MOVE.
Sandy, you are sooooo incredibly stupid…or you are a stupid landlord… have you ever thought (or do you gave a working brain?) that maybe some people can’t just AFFORD to get up and move?! God, you’re an idiot. Seriously. NOT everybody has thousands of dollars for moving costs, deposit, first month/last month…etc… you sound like a walking imbecile.
Jenny you sound like the ignorant one. If your housing situation is terrible….move, just like Sandy said. Just like any other situation in life…if you hate your boss…. guess what, find a new job….you hate the college you attend….guess what find a new one. You hate the cold…guess what find a new state to move to. Life is to short, if your situation is making you miserable FIX it by changing it!
Dang , slow down on the language Jenny .
I fully agree with Jenny!!!
My situation is exactly what she is describing. Why should I move from my beautiful neighborhood and lovely apartment. I have been here 12 years, the property manager only 2 years. Her harrasment has gotten to the point of lying to the police accusing me of making threats. After 4 months of litigation I won and my criminal cases where dismissed. I won my eviction case first 3 months ago, however she would not drop the criminal charges. She even lied under oath during the eviction trial.
Jenny Smith, the only cost to move you actually have is moving your stuff.
You can’t count your deposit and rent payments, cuz you move your deposit from your current place to the new one and you only pay rent at one place at the time.
Everything else is just poor organizational skills, poor cash management and excuses on your part.
I’m with the majority of the comments I’ve read here. If indeed it is so bad (house, job etc), u will be able to fine ways to change your life (or your expectations) and find yourself to be happy.
I’ll make it perfectly clear for you Sandy. With all due respect if a person does not have the 3 m’s (money, method & means) you are basically stuck in a really bad, miserable situation that you would give anything to get out of.
Annette right on the jersey above is just a idiot like our slum lord’s
lack of money.
because Sandy, some people dont have the money to pick up and move. Everyone has a different situation. Try being helpful not p;part of the problem
No one ever talks about the tenant harassing and assaulting the good landlords , because the tenant is a criminal and wants the landlord’s wealth so fabricates lies tries to get a perjurous protective order on the landlord , came on here and read about all the ways she could fake harassment . She was charged with assault by the DA and we go to court and I have beautiful footage of her assaulting me . she left on her own accord , 8 days prior to the end of her rental agreement .She drove her RV off the property . She left everything . I mean everything . we did not steal her documents . she left them here ,. She refused to pay 30 dollars in Compensation for storage fees for forcing us to store her crap Now we know why . She WAS trying to file for a Tort statutory Landlord harassment suit . We have a protective order against her too . We are also asking the DA to file perjury charges a category D felony . Everyone always talks about the poor renter . Well, I give you , “The poor land lord. !
Your a real jersey must be a landlord
Also it is worth seeking a civil restraining order my Landlord is very keen and favorable to constant home invasions, install a inside lock or security latch for when you are home. The want to catch you embarrassing situation or anything to use against you. Sick sad world. But I’m always a worthy adversary.
I do not know what State you are in. But most states like where I am (CA), also Fed (HUD). They take your complaint and schedule a phone appointment. They ask you to tell your story, and shoot it down every step of the way. I had to fight with all I had to get them to take it on the only issue regarding Landlord denying your a service/emotional support animal. So to those who do not have those animal you are screwed as of a couple years ago State & Fed Departmental Agency for Unlawful or Disabled Housing Services were cut (STATE, FEDERAL & Assisting NON-PROFITS): my message to my advocate was;
…Do you know, I actually had a person that took a complaint from the CA Code Enforcement (due to Property Manager’s refusal of requested cockroach pet control.) I was informed or confirmed what I already knew and sensed as a the pattern and trend of the emerged.
DFEH has effectively “closed”. Is why it was virtually impossible for me to file any of my valid a discrimination and harassment complaints. They no longer serve all persons with disabilities or anyone people without disabilities.
I believe it has been reduced and diverted to possibly elderly, children and non-citizens. But hopefully physically and developmentally disabled people. I had to use everything I had and could summon from within to keep them from concluding phone interviews and open cases they had already mentioned qualified and they could handle but they still wanted to end and close.
It will only get worse… fight back hard
Some owner/occupiers cannot leave despite no repairs by landlords and abuse by tenants. Renters are fortunate in that they can move from bad housing whereas owners can feel trapped in unfair and unsafe units or flats. Landlords are doing less repairs and charging high rent for another to invest in another property. Slumlords abound.
Sandi n Nathan, It sounds so easy…..just move! Most of us in this complex ended up here due to some situation in our lives! This situation has got so many people stayiing now to see through the whole process, and not let her get away with the humiliation, lying,sneaky….i could go on and on but I should be telling someone that can help instead….. thanks and good luck
Most people in today’s economy can’t afford to JUST MOVE, and it’s lots of work, and disabled folks or women who aren’t strong have an even bigger challenge to pay for help with packing and reorganizing the new place. I waited 17 mths for them to fix my bathroom sink where I am and I’m a great tennent.
Some people can’t afford to duh
What about if you can’t move tho and can’t afored another place my landlord is my girlfriend moms boy friend and he is a peace of shit that I would love to brake his face in 100 different peaces he has harassed us he broke my lock while me and my girl friend were sleeping he never bought the salt in the winter after he said he would I fell down these really steep stairs hurt my back and we owed a bit of money he stareted to laugh at me and said pay money or get out or my house we have been to court and his case got dissmiseed now since that happend he has cut off our hydro treated to cut my stairs off so we can’t get access to the house change the locks and accuseing us of doing illegal stuff because I want to have peace and quite with out him coming here and starting bull shit with us again how landlord get away with this kind of stuff now he is trying to take us back court and saying we owe him 6 month when we only owe him 4 months I already lost a job because of all this stress and stuff I don’t know what to do anymore and I only don’t want to pay him rent because he tears us bad and thinks he can get away with all this stuff when we moved in there was nothing done to the place it was infested with cocaroaches everything was smoked out Wefixed up the place we painted we washed everything we took out the crapy carpet and everything he refused to buy a better stove and friged even tho it was infested with roaches still We have been with out hydro since July 2 second a week b4 he cut it off for 2 days now he in saying in w writen letter that he has cut off the hydro because I haven’t put on the wall plates back on but it’s been with out the wall plates since we. Moved in how come he didn’t turn my hydro off back then when we first moved in how come he is trying to act like a landlord now what. Can I do about this thanks everyone for thanking the time to read this quickly chris
Also it is worth seeking a civil restraining order my Landlord is very keen and favorable to constant home invasions, install a inside lock or security latch for when you are home. The want to catch you embarrassing situation or anything to use against you. Sick sad world.
Not everyone can afford to move or has a medical condition that creates more havoc and more stress on the body and mind. I also have a mental disability and see a psychiatrist monthly along with having a balance issue. Sometimes I do not go outside for days in fear but I am still not approved by disability, pending again now. My landlord is harassing me, actually bullying me, telling me to move my things out of the common backyard area, I have straightened up, thrown things away, put things in storage, gave things away but he is still not happy or the property management is not? Most everyone but this one has a deck they can put their yard furniture and plants on. We put some items under the small walk down. I’ve asked him if he would have one built, or I’ve asked him to put in ductless heating and air other people have here, these are now condo and privately owned since1980. To replace the worn out storm doors, the groves do not hold the windows or screen. The current storm doors have probably been here since these were since built in 1939. Oh he said he would replace them in an email prior to us signing another year’s lease, but has done nothing. So he lied again. His response is it will be more rent. I always say that’s fine. But he never takes action on doing anything. He’s a greedy realtor that bought this as an investment years ago. I have received multiple, more than 10 different people’s names on mail still here. Has called my vintage pieces that are showing their patina Junk. Everyone has different taste, but don’t say my things are junk. He and the PMC are actually downright bullying me. I lived on the other side of the street, same village different association. I never had one complaint!! We will move when our lease is over in May 2018. He is afraid of being fined, for what? I am not a hoarder. I emailed him the other day after a heavy rain that came through the wall at my headboard wall. I am sensitive to health issues and now may have to deal with black mold. He saw the company come by and do an inspection, rushed over here, as he lives a few places over. He was knocking so hard on the glass panes on the top of the door. The PMS guy made a comment. I finally opening the door when I got downstairs and he invited himself in. The guy said he had to leave because he could feel my pain and irritation. They spoke outside; he had given me his card. Then my landlord asked me if I got the email he sent, yet another, about the things outside. I have had it and said what about the storm doors, he shut up. I have everything in emails. I do not want to take him or the property management company to court. But I need my rest, get off my back. I’ve been going through hardship for a few years now and it’s taken a toll on my body and now all of this additional stress. I am also mentioning we have never been late for rent and even pay in advance. I received another email to clean up the Inside of my place or he would call the fire Marshall. He didn’t know I am trying to get things packed up to give away that did not make the boat to Puerto Rico. I did an outreach and was scolded for it also. I think it’s because people there are selfish here and not giving and just don’t recycle or take things to thrift. I grew up poor. Next to us a woman moved out due to her health issues, hoarding, stairs, and the stench, she could not breathe and she is heavy set. She had to be rushed to the hospital several times. Finally with the help of her family they came and cleared out her place, it was fowl. But I do under the mental health part of it and always tied to help her. The repairs, the noise and the company that gutted the unit used some kind of something on the walls to get the stink and the yellow out. It came through our adjoining wall. It was awful and gagging. I never got one email the whole time from anyone. I was afraid more so for my kitties health. Now it is ready to be sold and the agent trying to sell it is saying she can’t because of our things outside. Please, everyone knows you do not move in the winter and she is asking too much for the unit. But I guess she needs someone to blame. Who do I contact that won’t take the side of my landlord. Now they want me to take down my bird feeder, this is my solice.
Debra Fiddler, how did it go? You have a right to quiet enjoyment of your home. Also the landlord/managers can NEVER let themselves into any part of your home without prior agreed permission. Get a landlord tenant guide for your state, read the penal or civil code for landlord “inspections”, take notes for the fines, and prepare your court action, whether small claims or not.
in a lot of states you cant just move until the lease is up because then you can be on the line for the rest of the rent for the lease until they find a new tenant, they just have to put in good faith effort for this but if they are shitty landlords they may not do this and you would need to pay them lots. It is more complicated than just moving.
My property manager doesn’t know about landlord needing permission from tenant to enter occupied by tenant.
The right to entry is based on state laws a landlord must follow for purpose and notification rather than tenant permission. Additionally, a tenant can not deny a landlord access as long as the tenant has been given proper notice. However, that gets a little tricky because each state has different notification requirements. For example, some allow landlords to enter with little-to-no notice while other states require up to 48 hours. In addition, states also determine what types of reasons a landlord may enter. It’s best to check with your local housing authority to learn more about landlord rights to entry in your state before deciding if the action is harassing.
What if you can’t write or use computer? Ca. Disability help? I’ve called every hud, county. There all being payed off
Some of us don’t have the money to move.
My Landlord is a Slum Lord and hasn’t fixed anything in 10 years .
I have no gas , and the refrigerator he gave me is like the other 8 ones from the trash.
I had just bought $200 worth of food now all in none working refrigerator .
I do not know what State you are in. But most states like where I am (CA), also Fed (HUD). They take your complaint and schedule a phone appointment. They ask you to tell your story, and shoot it down every step of the way. I had to fight with all I had to get them to take it on the only issue regarding Landlord denying your a service/emotional support animal. So to those who do not have those animal you are screwed as of a couple years ago State & Fed Departmental Agency for Unlawful or Disabled Housing Services were cut (STATE, FEDERAL & Assisting NON-PROFITS): my message to my advocate was;
…Do you know, I actually had a person that took a complaint from the CA Code Enforcement (due to Property Manager’s refusal of requested cockroach pet control.) I was informed or confirmed what I already knew and sensed as a the pattern and trend of the emerged.
DFEH has effectively “closed”. Is why it was virtually impossible for me to file any of my valid a discrimination and harassment complaints. They no longer serve all persons with disabilities or anyone people without disabilities.
I believe it has been reduced and diverted to possibly elderly, children and non-citizens. But hopefully physically and developmentally disabled people. I had to use everything I had and could summon from within to keep them from concluding phone interviews and open cases they had already mentioned qualified and they could handle but they still wanted to end and close.
It will only get worse… fight back hard!
There seems to be links on harassment by landlords on the web, I live in Oregon, and the law gives them the right to kick tenant to the streets. Wow! I know that there are people with more problems that I have, yet I feel my apartment manager is short of booting me out, and elder widow. So I read that as a tenant I have rights, but do I?with the state law in her favor.
I rent from Moss and Company a Sherman Oaks management company. These people have engaged almost everything on your list. Retaliated because I complained about a noisy neighbor. Sent three day notices for banging cabinets and even threw my newspaper away before I could pick it up in front of the building.
They took forever to fix anything in my unit.
But I’m not moving. Thus is my home and I want the truth to be heard.
Myna, what state do you live in? I have been researching and there are (SERIOUS LAWS!!!!!!!!) against management harassment by ofice managers and caretakers! Like so real the as Advisement to contact a housing Liar and the harasser will be sued for mental, punitive and other fees! But keep in mind strength comes in numbers…Im guessing your not the only one being Bullied? Good Luck!
Is there a Maryland lawyer available?
I have been living in this apartment for 12 years. Since the beginning, plumbing has always been an issue. Their are only four units, but it seems mine seems to be the worst. Three years ago, my bathroom ceiling fell on me. It was so extensive, emergency services were called in. Our bathroom was gutted down to the studs. We showered outside for two weeks. In that two week time frame, I received a notice in the mail that our rent had been raised an additional $50.(the nerve) That ended up being a two month process. Two nights ago I noticed a puddle on my bedroom closet floor. It had been leaking from the ceiling, that we had a problem with in the past. Two pairs of shoes have puddles of water in them. The one pair are Alexander McQueen’s, and very expensive. I text her 3 times about being reimbursed for my personal property being destroyed. And she will not respond. Don’t even get me started on the rat problem. One died on my kitchen floor about 3 weeks ago. When I sent her a picture, she replied that she knows what a rat looks like. One year we were so infested, they were sleeping in my underwear drawer, down to my bajama drawer. I literally have been crying every day over how frustrating, angry, and helpless I feel. I’ve been taking prescription drugs, to calm my nerves. Please, please help me with this problem before I have a nervous breakdown because over it. Please call me, versus email. It’s hard for me to retrieve them. (818) 371-5447. Thank you so much.
oersonal property is not covered in a rental–you are supposed to have renter’s insurance
Kimberly , you have been there for 12 years . How
is your rat problem the fault of your land lord?She does not live there . She did not attract the rats . Call an exterminator .
I was given a 60 day notice to vacate and have been trying to find a new place to live and packing. Meanwhile my landlord keeps texting me when I can move out. I’ve informed her I have the 60 days and do not have anywhere to move to yet. She keeps demanding that I let realtors show the house and have an open house. I gave her hours that we would allow these but I did not want her or anyone to enter when we are not home and she is threatening eviction. I let her know that I have tenant rights and I have 60 days legally to be in the house. She constantly keep texting me and I informed her I was feeling harass, she doesn’t care. What would my recourse be.
Hi Lina, sorry to hear about your stressful situation. In most cases, a landlord can enter the property at anytime as long as they give you proper notice before hand. They do not need to have your permission, nor can you require to be present when they are there. The fact that your landlord is trying to work with you to find a time for the realtor to come over while you are available is a courtesy of hers, not something she has to do at all. If you still do not have a place to move after the 60 days are up and you remain at the property, she can move forward with an eviction. I would advise sticking to the move out date listed on the 60 days notice and being more flexible with the showings so you don’t end on bad terms. She is going to be your future landlord reference after-all.
Kaycee, that was a good reply
Supposedly they can onle enter whenever if there is a true emergencu otherwise depending on your state they have to give you a day or two advance notice. Also, if this person were able to leave on good terms they would not be on this page asking for advice or having these problems to begin with. I would keep everything documented. When people are victimized it is never a fair fight. I do not understand why people cannot let other people live in peace. I got to come home to maintainence doing a work order that did not belong to my apartment while their granddaughter walked around my apartment playing on her Ipad. They said they went all around the property looking for me because they knew they did not have permission to enter without my being present because of my animals. Another time they took my flashlight and could not give it back to me when I asked for it. Then sat outside my apartment waiting for me to get home because they bought me a new one. Plus, there are constantly dogs running around loose here of all breeds, putting myself and my dogs at risk. As far as work orders they just created a new rule, that they refuse to put in writing, where when they do work orders for my apartment SPECIFICALLY, that an office worker must be present for it to be completed, when I have told them I do not want anything to do with office workers because they have been rude, unprofessional and argued about ongoing issues, stating that they are not ongoing issues. I have better things to do with my life than have them interefere in mine, fond them in my apartment, have them stalk the property looking for me or sit outside my dwelling to replace my flashlight they never should have touched in the first place after I tell them, forget it and I do not want anything to do with anyone. I have had them take my telephone number off their records and told them their method of communication with me is via email only. I have documented many times that they are making me feel uncomfortable. They have disclosed to me if I am unhappy I should move because that’s what all the tenant’s have done in the past. They make it hell to live here. I am scared because I have another ten months left. I think I will start hiring people to do work orders here. Any way I can avoid them I will. I already bought my own printer and a gym membership, so I do not have to use their business center or mini gym. I also pay my rent online, on the 28th of every month. I want nothing to do with these people. They keep trying to find new ways to butt into my life and turn it upsidedown. One day THEIR alarm to my apartment went off, it scared the hell out of my dogs. I tried to ask for tgeir help three times. The first time they gave me a universal code that did not work. The second they gave me a code that was for the alarm, but it malfunctioned, the third they closed the door in my face. I called the police for help. The police came and shut it off. Fortunately, one of the maintenance men a week later unplugged the alarm and then put an outlet cover over where it had been plugged in, such a simple fix, but they did not have the common sense or decency to tell me to just unplug it when I had to go to a doctors appointment and could not leave my dogs suffering and scared like that. The worst part is, I think I am stuck here when it comes time to renew the lease because I won’t have the savings to move out. I got permission to record the work order being done and they said they did not know why management wanted an office worker there and they would have them email me, I would be shocked if I got an email stating why only my apartment needed this to occur, better yet, I would love to know their reason. I am afraid to leave my apartment because they might enter it, mess with me or my dogs could be at risk. I am unsure what to do, other than what I have already done. I am fearful of how much worse it is going to get. A private contractor for work orders seems to be the answer because they cannot even get those done right or clean up after themselves. The only reason I let them in yesterday, with the office worker was because it was related to my AC. It is astonishing the bleep that people put you through and what they can get away with. I feel bad for anyone and everyone else being victimized as well. It us a terrible situation and makes you feel trapped, isolated and unprotected. I would never treat them how I have been treated. I fear things will get much worse. The lad looking after my animals while I was recently away said maintenance was asking my whereabouts. When I emailed them stating it made me feel uncomfortable and they have my email if they need me, the office staff told them not to email me back and he said that the oerson had been mistaken. I told them, good because they have my email if they need to contact me. I hate living here because of office staff and maintenance coming off as stalkers. I feel so uncomfortable and worse I have been outting my money toward medical bills so I do not have the money to just up and leave because they are misbehaving, cannot act normal and let me live in peace. I saw poor ratings online prior to moving in, but I was desperate for a place to live at the time, this is a result of that desperation. I hope nobody else gets subjected to this out of desperation. Not everyone’s circumstances present them the safest, smartest or best outcomes and then they get stuck in unfortunate situations like mine. I can only pray that things do not continue on the way they have been, but my fear is they will only continue to get worse.
Also it is worth seeking a civil restraining order my Landlord is very keen and favorable to constant home invasions, install a inside lock or security latch for when you are home. The want to catch you embarrassing situation or anything to use against you. Sick sad world. But I’m always a worthy adversary.
I do not know what State you are in. But most states like where I am (CA), also Fed (HUD). They take your complaint and schedule a phone appointment. They ask you to tell your story, and shoot it down every step of the way. I had to fight with all I had to get them to take it on the only issue regarding Landlord denying your a service/emotional support animal. So to those who do not have those animal you are screwed as of a couple years ago State & Fed Departmental Agency for Unlawful or Disabled Housing Services were cut (STATE, FEDERAL & Assisting NON-PROFITS): my message to my advocate was;
…Do you know, I actually had a person that took a complaint from the CA Code Enforcement (due to Property Manager’s refusal of requested cockroach pet control.) I was informed or confirmed what I already knew and sensed as a the pattern and trend of the emerged.
DFEH has effectively “closed”. Is why it was virtually impossible for me to file any of my valid a discrimination and harassment complaints. They no longer serve all persons with disabilities or anyone people without disabilities.
I believe it has been reduced and diverted to possibly elderly, children and non-citizens. But hopefully physically and developmentally disabled people. I had to use everything I had and could summon from within to keep them from concluding phone interviews and open cases they had already mentioned qualified and they could handle but they still wanted to end and close.
It will only get worse… fight back hard! with all State Fed Departmental Agencies or mostly only choice will be person Attorney. And the landlords know this is why they are feeling more and more confident to portray:
If I didn’t really know better, I’d honestly think “Discrimination & Harassment” disabled or otherwise; just recently became “LEGAL” and it’s the “OPEN SEASON” Property Managers and Landlords have waited their entire life for.
Kaycee, What if they entered WITHOUT proper notice and it was recorded? Also they keep saying there are new things to inspect, and coming up with reasons to invade privacy and breach quiet enjoyment, and harass.
Get an attorney & sue her happy ass! Don’t tell me, she’s Persian….!
I am a land lord . I know rental law . Educate yourself
I’m a tenant and I know my legal rights, I have messages stating that I’m a great tenant, but she still wants me out, I’m a senior with several health issues, including a stroke and the list goes on. I refuse to be threatened and harassed and landlady refusing to do repairs, in front of witnesses, she doesn’t have a light on over the stairs and both rails are lose, she hasn’t changed the furnace filter since October 4,2018, verbally she said that she changes them every 4 months, she doesn’t shovel/ plow/ salt after 24 hours, she gets away with breaking the law. SHE HAS BREACHED LEASE, I WILL NOT BE Threatened and harassed, and have my life put in danger. I don’t have money to move, she lies all the time, she’ll give me a 24 hour work order, and NEVER SHOWS UP. She gets away with breaking the law, with threats, harassment, putting my life in danger, the city code, doesn’t care if there are electrical issues. She wants more money, because she’s a greedy lying, bitch. Are you trying to put all the blame on the handicapped tenants, because your a landlord? She says that I don’t have any rights, that’s a lot of B.S. I have proof of paying my rent, and other tenants have been threatened and harassed also. I’m a fighter and I will show the judge everything, including over two pages of repairs. Let’s see what you’re going to say to me, if you have the nerve. Some landlords need to be fired and the property condemned, because of them.
I’m a tenant and I know the law, landlords are suppose to by law fix all repairs, electrical and more, city code allows her to get away with not shoveling, plowing, fixing repairs, without fining her, when the other apartments get fined, that’s not right and she favors certain tenants, she allows several of her tenants to break the lease, it’s bad enough that she breaches my lease and others, her ass needs to be taken to court. Landlords don’t have the legal right to make threats, harassment, slander and putting lives at risk. I’m a fighter and I sure and HELL will fight for my rights. I’ve reported her to several agencies.
Contact civil rights, that is what I was forced to do, because my landlady has made several threats and harassment and slander, putting my life at risk, she said that I don’t have any rights and I told her that she doesn’t want to threaten/ harass, and more, because I warned her that I don’t play any games and I know the law and I was told by civil rights to write a letter to her boss. She refused to do any repairs, by law she has to fix the repairs, I’ll go to court and request a warrant for her arrest. I’ve done that to people before. Good luck. Find a great attorney and take the landlord to court. I have an attorney, but I know what legal papers I need to get against my landlady.
what legal papers do I need to fight my landlord?
he is harassing me on every 10 days I had to change my phone number block him on social media and then write a letter to only contact me thru or rental agent.
He has come in without notice… unfortunately I know it but can prove it . he is stalking my social media. His rental agent said she went on my page which is untrue .. and I have the freedom of speech regardless of what I post. I may have been trying to make a boyfriend jealous or meet new people. whatever my intentions were. It is not his business. I never used an address or a name .
Never late on my rent repaired my own big ticket issues. I dont complain.. I dont bother anyone.
I am completely uncomfortable in my own home and very very sad.
please help me NJ
I’m a single woman renting a room in a house that my land lord does not occupy. Her mother actually owns the house and is in hospice. I signed a rental agreement (not a lease) that stipulates that the land lords can come and go at will. Upon signing the agreement I expressed concern and she told me that her husband will only come over to drop off the mail occasionally and they will let me know when they are coming. It’s been about a year and her husband comes over multiple times a week and sometimes when I’m home and showering. One Saturday morning at 8am he was outside of my bedroom vacuuming. I asked him to give me notice when he is coming over and he argued that the rental agreement gives him a right to come over whenever he wants.
He has also came over with a pile of clothing he wanted to give me and try on which made me very uncomfortable. I began avoiding him and responding shortly to his oversharing e-mails and he began to leave aggressive post it notes in the house about not touching the timer on the house. He has the whole house on a timer so that the lights come on and off at certain times and sometimes its so dark that I can’t see in the house. I’ve never touched a timer but I have turned on a light that didn’t come on automatically in my living room . It takes 6 locks to get into the house which is hard to keep track of and I asked for copies of the keys in case and the landlord refused to let me get copies.
They are now telling me that I am not mindful of the placement of my keys when in truth I’ve had 4 different key rings break and two keys fell off twice requiring that they let me into the building.
Another issue is that they are fabricating problems. Accusing me of leaving my floor heater on in my room when I am not home and claiming that they can hear it on and it’s a safety hazard . I tested it , and you cannot hear my floor heater from outside of the room. He does have a key to my room. The are claiming that I left the stove on for 3 days which I did not among other things.
Also, are not allowing my to use central heat and I barely use the floor heater but they are blaming me for a 25 % increase in the power bill. The tone that my land lord uses in her e-mails are aggressive . She has continues to insult me and tell me that I am not a good “fit” for the house and to feel free and give my notice despite my attempts to appease her demands.
I realize that some things she listed are a safety issue but #1 I can prove that they are in the house all the time without telling me not just for routine inspection and #2 that the husband leaves aggressive notes. I had a housemate for a while that forwarded me his emails by which he was unhappy with the notes and uncomfortable feelings they cause.
Lastly, rent is due on the 1st of every month but the land lord requires that I place it in a and unlocked mailbox downstairs the night before the first so that her husband can pick it up as early as 4 am. Many times my pay period falls on the 1st of the month and I cannot make it to the bank before 4 am and so I ask that I can pay it around 6pm because I can make it to the bank after work and they continue to tell me that I am not allowed to do that.
Please help.
I forgot to add that they are stating that I am continuously giving me “discounted rates” for living there.
I think I am being harassed because I pay rent at a reduced price for my birthday month and they “forgot”. I reminded them via 2 calls and 2 visits over 3 weeks reviewing my lease. So we agreed to do it the month after and now they are saying I still need to pay the remainder even though I am not suppose to. Now they posted a pay or eviction in 1 week.
I have a lease agreement and have put several thousand dollars down on a lease to buy
and have been paying 1500.00 a month with the option to buy if I was to come up with a deposit of 50.000.00 within two years
I’m an artist and painted a mural on the building for advertisement
the code enforcement asked me to get a permit
while there at code enforcement, the landlord painted over it
also, he sold me a large truck he used for storage and asked me to let him store his stuff in it for a yr
then sold it to me with the same agreement to let me store my stuff in it for one yr
then when the lease agreement got close to expiration he said I will have to move it or else it will be towed
the license branch says even though I have proof of payments he needs to give them a lien transfer
but he hasn’t done this
he has entered into the premises many times while I’m away and his wife
they watch me and then one follows me while the other spies on me (witnesses)
I have had to talk with him in the parking lot many times for over an hour at dark hours
he has tried to destroy me with stress
I have a license as a sign shop here and have painted murals on many buildings
and was coming back with papers from code enforcement when he painted over it
I started to paint it again and he came back in the early hours of the morning and painted over it again I have recordings of him and me talking about it
the code enforcement said he was the one who turned me in
I paid him money down and he first signed the agreement with his LLC name
then the city water works made him sign his name so could get water service
then when I had a notary republic over during a payment I asked him if he would mind if the contract was notarized
he did it with great complaining saying no one has ever not trusted his word before
and has since harassed me by text and phone calls
he has several vehicles and uses them to patrol my business
it has turned into a nightmare
on the agreement he stated i have all responsibility for property and building
My landlord required my lease renewal by the end of January when our lease isn’t up until June. Because I ignored it, they are now emailing me every three days to show our apartment to prospective tenants with only 24 hour notice. I have been told it is too late to sign a new lease. Now I am expected to allow complete strangers looking at my bras hanging up in my closet and casing my garage that houses many items worth stealing! Nowhere in my current lease does it discuss showing my apartment, only for inspections, repairs and the like. Not sure what to do at this point, I can’t imagine going through this for almost four more months!
Keep proof of everything, landlord is, isn’t doing and take them to court. You can legally get a personal protection order against them, I’m thinking about doing that and getting a warrant for her arrest, because of the threats, harassment and putting my life in danger. I’ve almost fallen down the stairs, rails are lose. Write a letter to the court, asking for a warrant for landlords arrest, only you can tell them and police, to let your landlord out of jail.
From day one, I have had issues with my landlord. No, I can’t afford to move, so don’t bother telling me to move.
I moved in with my family 2-1/2 years ago. A week after moving in, it poured rain one day and that’s how I found out that it rained in my bedroom. Four months later, he decides to fix the leak. Also, none of the windows open & there are bars on some of them so there is no escape route in case of fire.
Then if my rent is late by 1 day (due on the 15th, paid on the 16th) , I am threatened with eviction even though I have a 5 day grace period. AC broke down in bedroom, told him for 10 months it needed replacement. Nothing… Then the AC in the living room broke down and it took 2 months & a threat to withhold rent before he replaced both AC units. Refrigerator broke, and I asked for a new one and was threatened with eviction so I just bought my own. Nothing gets fixed unless the city fines him for it and it’s never fixed by licensed contractors.
NOW, he has been parked outside my house for a month straight, 6 days a week, staring at the house. Not doing any work, just sitting there staring, which makes me uncomfortable. Plus, if he’s here & we go sit outside, he comes over and harasses us. “Walk your dogs like everyone else does.” We have had our dogs since day one and now all of a sudden it’s a problem letting our dogs in the yard even though we clean up after them. This has happened 5 times in the last month that he’s been sitting out there. I have also just found out that the house I am renting is not zoned as residential but as an automotive business.
What can I do? I know I am going to be forced to move by the city sooner or later because they have already started fining him for me being here or so he claims.
My landlord gave me a notice today saying I have broke two of the rules in the rental agreement. No where on my R.A. does it say not to smoke in my house. He also said that I had someone else “living” at my place. My boyfriend stays over quite a bit but he doesn’t live with me. 4 days a week tops, he stays the night but he works all day. He does have his own place. My landlord is constantly harassing my boyfriend about him being there. My landlord is also my dad. He’s pissed off because he can’t stand my boyfriend but I am 48 years old. My dad is 73. My R.A. doesn’t say I can’t have my boyfriend stay over.
Are you serious? Tell your father that you respect his opinion but he cannot dictate your personal life. At 48 you should have a separate life and no longer be under his thumb. This sounds too controlling.
My daughter lives in an apartment complex that is managed through a property management company. The walls in her apartment are paper thin. She has a 5 year daughter. She has been harassed by the neighbor below her and the property management about too much noise every time her daughter moves. She has ask to be relocated on several occasions, but to no avail. She can not have guess in her house or security will be called. She works most of the time, so she is not home a lot. She feels like she can not breathe hard or there will be a complaint filed. She has spokened with property management on several occasions and but they side with the tenant below, since she has a sickly mother. Now, she has been given an eviction notice, that simply has no justification. What can she do?
Yikes, what a stressful situation. Unfortunately apartments are notorious for noise complaints due to the close quarters and building materials that carry sound, rather than conceal it. I would suggest getting a couple plush area rugs to act to provide some form of sound-proofing between her floor and the tenant below. Or ask management if there is another unit in the complex she can relocate to, which might have a more understanding neighbor. If your daughter feels like she has had enough, she could also consider moving to another complex entirely.
I am confused about the “eviction” notice she was given. There needs to be a clear lease violation and the opportunity to fix the violation in order for an eviction order to be served. IF you feel like your daughter is being treated unfairly, it might be time to talk to a lawyer. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.
I have been feeling EXTREMELY harassed and slightly violated by my male landlord a lot as of late. I don’t understand what happened to the guy. I really don’t. He used to be so sane,nice, and normal. But lets be honest here. No landlord is ever totally sane or nice. He broke up with his girlfriend about a month ago over god knows what. That might have had something to do with his change in behavior. His house also had a really bad mouse problem for the past 2 – 3 months. The place is absolutely filthy and disgusting. Tonight he came into my room asking me if he could check my attic because he thinks he heard a mouse or something in my attic. I never felt so invaded and violated in my entire life. Then he started yelling at me, swearing at me, and telling me it’s my fault that his house is infested with mice right now. And it’s my fault that the other old roommate moved out of here a few months ago. Are you seriously kidding me right now?His house has been messy and messed up way before I even moved in. And yet he has the nerve to blame me and swear at me saying the mice problem is my fault. To me…that is signs of harassment and invasion of privacy is it not?Blaming me for his rodent problem. Or other problems going on in his house and his life right now, swearing at me in the middle of the night. And wanting to check my attic for mice late at night is considered an invasion of privacy correct?This has been going on for a couple of months now. I have managed to keep the mice out of my room for 3 months. Thanks to some high quality traps. The rest of the house is a disaster tho and probably still crawling with mice. It’s gotten so bad that I’m moving out of here in June or July this summer. I just cannot deal with my landlord any longer. Always invading my privacy, yelling at me and blaming me for things that go wrong in his house or his life. And the fact that he caused his own mice infestation. I’m moving out this July so no worries. But once I move out it will be just him in the house. I highly doubt anyone is going to move in and pay him rent after me. He is a total slum lord. Also think he might of been a secret pervert on top of that. There were times when it felt like he was trying to make a move on me. Even tho he had a girlfriend. Maybe that’s why she left him 2 months ago. All I know was I’m tired of the harassment, invasion of privacy, being blamed by him. And the rodent problems I want out. Hopefully July will come soon so I can move out of this place. And get away from my crazy, creepy, possibly pedoile landlord. Never trust the male landlords. They are the WORST!!! D:
The only hard part will be getting through the next 3 months till I do move out. I know till I move out of here in July. The harassment, The invasion of privacy, The blaming me for his mice infestion, and possible attempts to make a move on me ( sexually ) will continue. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next 3 months. I cannot ask my mother to let me stay with her again for 3 months till I move into my new place. Because she already let me stay with her for 3 months during the time the mice infestation started and was worse then it is now. And may dad can’t keep me around for 3 months either. So…until July happens. I’m pretty much screwed.I have no where else to go. 🙁 I’m forced to stay here and deal with the harassment, blame, and mice infestation for 3 more months till July comes and I can move into the new place. But…I don’t know what I’m supposed to do till then. I feel kind of helpless right now and like I said violated thanks to my landlord. Because he is making privacy impossible and making me feel super uncomfortable at times too. : (
My landlord is cheating over my advance payment that I made.. He states that no.of days cannot b calculated n I have to pay for the entire month!
Subsequently,.He also states that I have to pay for the washing n painting of the house!
Never heard anyone paying for the painting of rented house but I was given to understand that this is a custom n is not written in paper#!!
I m an orphan , surviving with 2 siblings since last 10 years.. This is a new story to me… Pls vote if you think it’s justified or help me in getting the lesson for these ppl do that no one suffers in future!
My landlord threatened me with non-renewal of my month to month lease. This happened on 4/2/17.
This all started because a few days prior i asked her why the maintenance guy just walked into my apartment. She told me i was a poor mother for not having my babysitter with my 9 & 6 year old. The sitter was in the restroom while they were sitting at the table doing homework.
I explained that no matter what the issue was he could have knocked the reason he was there did not concern my apartment, it was something that could have waited until someone walked to the door. (( i live in a duplex, in an upstairs tenant. The Downstairs tenants basement flooded.))
She then processed to tell me i am walking “on thin ice” the maintenance man was told to be there by her and i should get a new sitter to watch my children. She also tells me that she will not be renewing my Month to month lease. I asked WHEN i needed to be out by she told me she will give me a written letter.
After that conversation i immediately start looking for a new place. A week later i received a letter stating that i will not be getting my security deposit back because the flooding… (( that was not from my pipes)) i have already found a new home and put down a deposit.
-what are my rights as a tenet being bullied… this is not the first time a threat has been made.
First of all, make sure to document everything. Try and go back and write down dates and any information you can remember about conversations you had that prove the flooding was not from your pipes.
She will need to have proof as to why she is keeping your security deposit. Retaliation is illegal in most states. You should contact your local housing authority for more guidance and ask for recommendations to speak with a landlord-tenant attorney who will be of a tremendous help to you. Mishandling security deposit funds can sometimes result in the landlord paying you more than your original deposit, depending on your state’s laws.
Regarding maintenance personnel entering your home -did the landlord give you notice this was going to happen? If they gave you proper notice, the maintenance man can enter without knocking (even though common courtesy would dictate otherwise). If you didn’t receive notice, no one can enter the property unless it is an emergency.
Good job finding a new place to live but you still may have a case for your security deposit refund. It’s time to talk to a lawyer. Good luck and let us know what happens!
For reasons beyond MY understanding my Landlord has been withholding my UPS packages and not notifying me when they arrive in her office. I had to track 2 of 3 packages and she held onto one for five days without telling me. She lied about the second one being there at all although my Aunt discovered after threatening to tell the Corporate Office what she was doing that the package WAS there in the office and had been for 3 days or so. This is absolute harassment and there’s no excuse for ANY Landlord to treat ANT tenant this way.
That stinks and must be really frustrating. Does it say in your rental lease that your manager must tell you when packages arrive? While it would be a nice thing to tell you when something arrives, if it’s not in your lease, then it might not be her responsibility. Maybe she has been busy or simply forgot?
Since you are able to track your packages and see when they are delivered, you could try sending her message and saying “Hi, I see that a package was delivered on [date] and you signed for it. I would like to pick it up as soon as soon possible please and will by at [enter time].” If she keeps holding your packages hostage even after you make a friendly effort to pick them up, then I would talk to a lawyer to start thinking about the next step. Good luck!
When it comes to your mail you have more rights than you realize. If it is preventing you from receiving it, no matter how they choose to do so; their actions are considered a federal offense. If the mail is in your name, they are required to give it to you untampered with. If they are in possession of your mail, refusing to give it to you or if they try to destroy or discard it; they can get in A LOT of trouble. I am sure they would rather give you the mail vs. being federally charged and sentenced to either paying a HEFTY fine, or to federal prison over mail that isn’t theirs. They can even be fined AND imprisoned for it. They need to stop being childish. It’s unnecessary, and stupid considering the consequences. It is not their right or business to do what they are doing.The following information is taken from and can be found online @https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1708. Good luck, I hope they learn an important lesson.
U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 83 › § 1708
18 U.S. Code § 1708 – Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally
US Code
Whoever steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains, or attempts so to obtain, from or out of any mail, post office, or station thereof, letter box, mail receptacle, or any mail route or other authorized depository for mail matter, or from a letter or mail carrier, any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or abstracts or removes from any such letter, package, bag, or mail, any article or thing contained therein, or secretes, embezzles, or destroys any such letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein; or
Whoever steals, takes, or abstracts, or by fraud or deception obtains any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein which has been left for collection upon or adjacent to a collection box or other authorized depository of mail matter; or
Whoever buys, receives, or conceals, or unlawfully has in his possession, any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail, or any article or thing contained therein, which has been so stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted, as herein described, knowing the same to have been stolen, taken, embezzled, or abstracted—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 779; May 24, 1949, ch. 139, § 39, 63 Stat. 95; July 1, 1952, ch. 535, 66 Stat. 314; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
That is a felony to hold packages that’s just like stealing them off your porch report her
I moved into an apartment in Galloway, Ohio with my sister on 5 June 2012 with the permission of the Property Management Company at that time. In the early spring of 2013, two of the property owners sons took over as the management team/landlord. The first week that they took over, I was outside on our patio when the two brothers walked by when they stopped and introduced themselves. I told them that I lived here with my sister, and told them that I wanted them to know upfront that I was not on the lease and gave them my reasons. They told me that not being on the lease was not a problem, and that I did not have to be on the lease in order to live here. About two weeks later, the one brother which is considered the legal head on all of the property legal paperwork was walking by and stopped to talk since I was on my patio. As we were talking, a cat (1 of 4) came onto the patio to eat.. I told John that I knew that he probably didn’t like me feeding the cats on the patio, when he stopped me. He told me that both me and my sister could do anything we wanted on the patio as long as we weren’t doing anything illegal, anything immoral or causing property damage and said that nobody has a right to say anything. John walked over to the first square right off the patio and tapped it with his foot. He said; “Now if you were feeding them on this piece of concrete, we could say something.” He said that “People don’t realize that a lease is different than a month to month rental.” He told me that since my sister has a lease, as long as they get their money every month on time, both the patio and the apartment are legally ours and nothing can be said. Within a month or two, the other brother, David decided that he didn’t like me feeding the cats, and told me to stop. I told him that I had been taking care of these cats for a year, and that I absolutely will not stop feeding them and that I had every right to continue. (Please keep in mind, we live at the very back of the property, and twenty feet from our front door is an overgrown wooded area that has a stream running through it. This area is over run with raccoons, possums, rats, mice, snakes, squirrels and even on occasion; skunks and only God knows what else) To make a very long story short, this brother has harassed me relentlessly for the past 4 years! It got to the point that if he didn’t see me outside 3-4 times a week to start badgering me over the cats, he would start calling and texting me and asking me to “Swing by the office.” He has told me literally probably 40 times in the past 4 years that if I had to feed these cats, to feed them in the treeline since the treeline isn’t on their property. Although I have done this close to 40 times, always within a week or two, he would start in again by saying, “I know I told you that you could feed the cats over the property line; but I just need you to stop!” In December 2016 on one of the coldest days of the year, I stepped outside to smoke. As soon as I walked outside, he was in front of the apartment next to ours when he walked over and started in again about these 4 cats. I finally told him that I had told him from the get go, that I would not stop feeding or taking care of these cats. I told him also that I have always been very careful about the wording that I would use with him, but the truth is; you have absolutely no authority whatsoever where feeding these 4 cats are concerned; especially off of your property! My God; these 4 cats have been fixed and has all of their shots. Furthermore, they stay right here in the back of the complex; either in the wooded area or on my patio 98% of the time both day and night! Also, none of the 4 apartments here in the back have a problem with mice unlike all of the other apartments here in the complex including the rental office! The very next day after this conversation with the landlord, he began parking back where I live EVERY single morning; straddling the last 2 parking places to where if I were outside and looked towards the parking lot, I would see him staring right at me. (6 and sometimes 7 mornings a week!) He knew that I came out every morning to feed the cats, and I would stand outside with my morning coffee and having a smoke. In February 2017, one morning he honked at me. Thinking that he wanted to talk to me, I walked down the sidewalk and over to the far side of the parking lot to see what he wanted. He says,”Oh, I didn’t want anything; I was just saying hi because I didn’t think you saw me.” Next thing he says; “When I park down here I’m not checking up on you” and just grinned!! Just another act of intimidation I am sure. On 3 April 2017, I noticed this landlord didn’t come down and park where he had done since December 2017, so I instinctively knew that something was up. It didn’t take long for me to find out! That morning at 10:02, I got a text from David asking that I call him at the office. I knew something was up just because any time he would call or text me, he would always say I needed to stop by the office. Something told me to tape this conversation, so I grabbed my voice activated recorder, called him at the office, and put him on speaker phone. He told me that he had been mistaken all of these years, and that “My mom does own past the tree line wooded area, and that this whole cat things ends today!” As he was saying this, I already knew from 3 years ago where the property line is and that he was lying. There was a rabid coon in 2013, and I had asked him to do whatever he could to take care of this serious situation. He told me to call the City of Columbus and let them handle it. In doing so, I was told exactly where the property line is, and that it was 5 feet from the left edge of the sidewalk, and in FRONT of the tree line. This was the only thing that this landlord was actually honest about! Anyways, I told him that it was not over today, and told him that I had done everything that he has asked be to do other than stop feeding these cats, and I told him that no matter what I have done even per his own request, that it was never good enough for him! I told him that I have let him get by with harassing me for going on 4 years just try to keep the peace! He actually admitted twice that; “Yes, it isn’t ever good enough!” He told me that he would come down and show me where I am allowed to feed these cats since “I know you won’t stop feeding them.” I did tell him that he was welcome to come down if he wanted, but I wasn’t doing anything today and that I have a right to try and figure something out. He started getting ride, so I just said goodbye and hung up. I waited all day for him to show up, but he never did. On Tuesday 4 April 2017, I walked away for no more than 4 minutes; I had been studying in the front room. When I came back, I walked over to my front window out of habit. Immediately I noticed the the 3 bowls of cat food and their containers were gone; for a second time! I looked to the left, and the little shelter house was gone too. I opened the door to find the shelter house on my patio by the front door on its end, with the tarp I had wrapped around it to keep it dry when raining; shoved down inside of the shelter house. I ran to the parking lot and looked in every direction to find no one in sight. Now this guy is like 6″7 and would have to weigh close to 500 pounds! There is no way he could have done all of this in under 4 minutes!! This was the final straw!! I found an attorney online that offers free 30 minute consultations on every Wednesday of the month on a first come, first serve basis until all slots are filled. On Wednesday 5 April 2017, I went to see this attorney with the rental lease in hand. I told him everything that has gone on for 4 years now and that I could not take anymore of this, and that I have no doubt that he will try and evict me. I even told him that I would not be surprised if he didn’t begin threatening my sister in order to get to me since the lease is in her name. This attorney told me that he actually owns a property management company, and that he is an expert in contract law, so this case was definitely in his wheelhouse. After reading this 2 page one sided contract, he told me that even if he tried to evict me, this lease would be thrown out of court; said it was just too vague. He also told me that per its own wording, that I do not have to be on the lease in order for me to live here. He told me that I have absolutely nothing to worry about, and that this landlord is the only person guilty of any wrongdoing and breaking the law. He assured me that I am “Well withing your rights feeding these cats if that’s what you choose to do, the law is on your side in this situation.” He told me to tell the landlord that if he does not stop now, the next step would be that he would be served with a Cease and Desist Order. He suggested I get a printout from the County Recorders Office showing where the property line is even though I already knew. At 3:35pm that day, I walked up to the office to talk to this landlord. The office blinds were already pulled so I turned around and began walking back to the apartment. David was driving a black Hyundai and honked at me on the property’s driveway. I told him that I needed to talk to him, so he drove to the other side of the garages and stopped in front of the first building where the driveway straightens out. I walked over to him and handed him the printout clearly showing that where I was feeding the cats; per his own instructions, is without a doubt, NOT THEIR PROPERTY! I told him that I had had enough, and told him to not ever open his mouth to me again concerning the cats. And I did say to him, if you ever take anything else belonging to me and destroy it, next time I will file charges against you for theft and destruction of personal property. David went CRAZY!! He screamed at me; “Don’t you ever come at me like that!” He then assaulted me! I didn’t know that he had unlatched his car door, and when he started to get out, I went to take a step back when he twisted completely around in the car seat. Suddenly, with both palms out and biting his bottom lip; he grunted and thrust the door into me with every ounce of strength he had. He then jumped out and walked right up to me and body slammed me with his belly! Towering over me, red faced and glassy eyed, he began screaming at me and cursing telling me that, “You’re out of here! Get the F*** off my property. This is my F***ing property, get off now!” David is about 6’7″ and weighs around 500 pounds I would guess. I was going to let the assault go, but I decided it was probably best to have this incident on record somewhere. I called the Columbus Police and asked them if there was a way of filing a report without pressing charges. The dispatcher told me that he would send out a uniformed officer, and that I could discuss this incident with them. When the officer arrived, at first he seemed to be making excuses for David. He even told me, “Just because someone opens their car door and accidentally hits you with the door, that’s not assault.” I told the officer that it certainly was not an accident, and at one point I thought that he was going to hit me with his fist.. The officer told me that I had done nothing wrong, and he instructed me to set up a feeding station on my patio and to keep the shelter house I made for the cats on the patio as well. He said that I was within my legal rights to take care of these cats, and just because the landlord doesn’t like it; you’re not the one in the wrong and breaking the law. I had no doubt that this property manager would try and evict me over this, and possibly even threaten my sister with eviction in order to get to me. Both attorney Lawson and the police officer assured me that they would have to have legal grounds to file an eviction, and they were the ones guilty of wrong doing. It has now come to this: On Friday afternoon, 4/7/2017, the property manager put a notice on our door. I opened it to find a “Warning Letter for Lease or Rental Agreement Violation” that claims he just found out on 3/30/2016 that I was living here and not on the lease; I have text messages from him to me older than that! The letter than states that I am to leave the premises immediately. According to attorney Lawson, because of the way the lease is written, he can’t evict me because he has NO legal grounds. The property managers are now intimidating my sister. David is calling my sister at least once a day. On Sunday 9 April he told my sister that she had to meet them at the office on Monday morning at 10am for a meeting with him, his brother John, and his mother; Alice; and that between the 4 of them, they were going to figure out how to get rid of me! (Alice is buying the property and is the owner of the property on paper) They told my sister that if she did not kick me out by Sunday April 16,2017 that they will file an eviction against her, and that they will see to it that her credit is ruined. My sister struggles with depression and bipolar and has been on medication for 30 years. This whole thing is taking a toll on her as well. They are strong-arming her to get to me. She is afraid of David and John, and is now asking me to willingly leave because she is in fear of what all they are threatening her with, and she does not want to lose her home. This whole thing should not be happening, I am not the person guilty of any wrongdoing here. I have absolutely nowhere to go if I leave, and under the circumstances I shouldn’t have to leave. There is a lot more to this mess, but from what I have told you; you get the idea. Please advise. Thank you for your time and sorry this is so long! Believe it or not, this is the short version. P.S. I was also given a 30 day notice to vacate where he used fraudulent dates trying to make his case. This guy has had a God complex from the day I met him; he is also known to be a control freak and a bully. He is also known to have anger issues. He told me personally back in 2013 that he has always had anger issues, He even told me that he “Had to go through an Anger Management Program a while back.”They regularly break Federal law but always gets away with it.
If that landlord did that to me, with me being a senior and handicapped, I would get a warrant for his arrest and he would have gotten kicked in his balls, no matter how tall, weight, he would regret it, because I would make damn sure that he was put in jail, without bail. I’ve had people arrested before, because they wanted to make threats and harassment, saying that they were going to do bodily harm to me and my cat’s and more. They didn’t like that I was in charge of them getting out of jail. I know my rights, and I don’t play any m. f. games. I hope that you got back at that bastard. Good luck. I have a slum lord, who breaches the lease, threats and harassment and she said that I don’t have any rights and I told her that she’s wrong. I called my state Rep., city council, city code allows her to break the law, not shoveling, salting or plowing after 24 hours, without getting fined, when all the other apartments get fined. She doesn’t do repairs, I have witnesses, over two pages of repairs that need to be done. She discriminates also. I need a excellent attorney. Do you know of any that can help? She has stated if someone falls on the stair’s, no lights to see, and if you fall on the property, she says that she’s not responsible, she’s full of it.
i now someone who has been evicted one and a half year and the landlord has numerous people harassing her at work, school, her new address, supermarket, everywhere she goes. the land lord was taken to court and was warned not to have anyone of her family members harass her any more. now she send friends to continue the harassment. what should she do about this problem. we contact the police, but to many faces. she pay anyone to take a picture and text it to someone to keep the harassment going. is there any law that protect you from being harass after you moved out one year ago and counting.
That sounds awful for your friend. I would talk to a lawyer, they will give you the best advice for how to build a case and get the harassment to stop. Good luck!
Landlord Harassment
I do not have a lease. I moved here in 12/2014 paying $900 per month that includes all utilities plus cable and internet. I do not have access to temperature control as the thermostat is in his apartment below me. He also has the cable modem in his apartment with a cable connection through his ceiling to my floor. I am an in home care taker by trade. July 2016 I lost my job. My rent was paid every month with the exception of Sept 2017 in which I paid half. My landlord lives below me and has health issues. In October 2017 he offered me to help him with in home health care and to let October “slide” if I helped him, which I did for several months after. I stopped helping him with home care back in March due to sexual connotations (language} toward me and being totally naked when I arrived to his apartment. When I returned to work, the landlord then said I owe him$1,830 for October and the half of September and then pro-rated the month of March from the 1st to the 19th, once I stopped going to his house and helping him. He has received the total amount of rent every month with exception of those two months in 2016. In March 2017 he attempted to evict me for the unpaid amount, YET he then proceeded to offer a “deal” if I continue to help him with his “bath” at least 2 times per week, he would take $25 each time BUT If I could not do this, he asked for an additional $200.00 each month for 8 months to pay back rent amount. I paid $900.00 for April 2017 and had to pay $1,100 for May 2017. However, he constantly calls my phone, several times a day, sometimes minutes apart, and leaves nasty and threatening messages. Sometimes he starts calling me days before my rent is even due and threatens to evict me if I don’t call him back by a certain time. The constant calling and threatening has become unbearable and has left me no choice to move out. He has left voice mail messages on my phone calling me names, threatens to report to my employer and has said I would never be able to rent in this town again and he would make sure he was “right there to get me,” Constant threat of court action to evict me. Again, he has received rent every month even after raising it an additional $200.00 to pay off what I owe from September and October of 2016. If he threatens again, OR if he does file through the court to have me evicted, would I have a counter claim of harassment even possibly sexual harassment?
ADDING TO ABOVE LANDLORD HARASSMENT: In March 2017, my landlord first offered me to “work for him full time” as his care taker in lieu of rent – in other words live here rent free as long as I provided in home care. In home care including bathing – which I later discovered, he is perfectly able to do this himself. I initially agreed to this, but quickly realized on the first day – he was asking me to do yard work and clean his garage. He was also completely naked when I arrived one evening. I was so uncomfortable (and embarrassed) that I stopped going to help him and stopped answering is excessive daily phone calls and nasty voice mail messages. He then immediately put an eviction notice on my door. That’s when he came up with the $1,830 that I owed him – and AGAIN offered to take $25 off my rent for bathing him 2 times a week OR pay an additional $200 on top of my rent to pay back the $1,830 for eight months. He lives directly below me and my driveway passes through his, He constantly calls wanting to know who just came up my drive way and even went so far as to tell me that he had been hearing a car come up my drive way late at night when I was working a midnight shift. Is ANY OF THIS a form of harassment?
Hi, im 26 and my family and i have been living in this apartment since march this year… Everything was going alright till i got two noisy neighbors that like to play their music loud and odd hours. But that not the case.. The landlord has been constantly sending me messages about things we never do i tend to keep to myself… But he recently send me a threat to be evicted cause i wasnt home and he had pest control out to the units and i already told him im gonna be out and he threatened to have me and my family moved out cuz i had to take my husband to work and my son to his doctors appointment…. And now he sent me a messages about the trash and we throw it in the trash. I don’t know what to do and i live in montgomery alabama.
I had a 4 month old servicedog, registered with ada as an PTSD, aniexy and depression, I was threaten by my landlord to remove the dog or he would di it his way. I gave my dog away and miss her trerribly, isn’t this disability discrimination. he already hit me, brusied my eye, our local police know him well an wont help me. please help
It’s against the law to refuse service animals, some cops are crooked as HELL, even in Lansing Michigan. I would have demanded to talk to the cops boss, and I would have taken them to court. Animal control took my service animals in a house that I was buying, one without a warrant. Cops, animal control break the law all the time. Animal shelters are filthy and I’ve made complaints to the health department. I miss my cat’s from 2010, no warrant, and then again August 4,2016, I got physically assaulted by both, where they left bruises all over my body. Can you still see your dog, even if you were forced to get rid of it? Good luck.
I just found out my landlord has had people drive around at all times watching me. I have 4 daughter’s and a son that stays home alone. Who is to say my landlord or someone she hired, isn’t gonna hurt or harass my kids. Or my landlord hires some crazy person and physically hurt us. I called the police but to the cop it was all hear say he said because he wasn’t there so to file a civil suit. And all this is because she thinks we have drug activity going on. I told her I have teenage kids that r grown adults and they have friends. And my fiancee and I both have big families that come around. We also work at night or stay up later that normal so sometimes there is activity at night. So? We r CNA’s, our job is 24/7. And for the past 3 months I have had eviction notices every month. Yes, I’m late in rent right now. And we hit really hard times. But I keep telling her what’s going on and she will get paid with late charges. Understandable, who cares u should figure a way to pay ur rent. But life hits sometimes and I’m trying and with 5 kids I would hope she would work with us this time. I mean we have been here for almost a year. That should say something. And law enforcement don’t even know us so they aren’t concerned. I have in voted her in for inspections and dinner. And I asked why she don’t call DFS knowing I got kids, if she thinks something that bad is going on. It’s all a crazy mess yes. Two sides to every story. But my side has a witness.
I like the way people on here say JUST MOVE. IDIOTS! Not everyone can AFFORD to move. Offer helpful advice,or none at all!!
My thoughts exactly. Those people who say that must be rich. That must be nice! Just up and move whenever you like. Plop down a thousand or two for a deposit, and another thousand or two for the rent. A few days later, oops, this one is problematic too; don’t like it. Plop down several more grand to go somewhere else once again. I could tour the country like that.
Where are the attorneys that sue landlords for harassment?
Where is the site for reviews on residence to warn people where not to move?
Brooke, there are a few. Google reviews, apartments, com, apartmentratings.com, yelp, and many more. Just tweak your name, and post to make others aware of what they will be dealing with. As for attorneys, look up tenant attorneys and or tenants unions. Look up invasion of privacy, breach of quiet enjoyment, etc. Look into small claims.
I live in a ground level apartment and recently I’ve contacted a building inspector to look at the side of the foundation holding up my porch. It’s craved in and looks like it will just get worst is nothing is done about it. They send a letter to my landlord, who then texted me asking if I called the building inspector on the place. After explaining to him yes why I did it, he then tells me he can’t make the repairs in the 30 days he’s been given, so I’ll just have to move out. I’ve told him about this foundation problem a few months before, he said he would look into it, but never did.He didn’t just say he can’t make the repairs, he flat out said he refuses to put anymore money into the place, and that I “should have never called an inspector in the first place”.
I started freaking out, thinking I made a mistake calling the inspector, but after a moment I realized that what he’s doing is possibly harassment; he said he refuses to even put any money into this issue, even though in the lease it states that he has to do any needed repairs that come up, and this could turn into a bigger problem if that freakin’ porch craves in! And yet, nope, he doesn’t want to do anything about it, and is shifting the guilt towards me.
I am going to make some phone calls on Monday and see what I should and can do about this, because it all doesn’t seem right at all. If I have to move I can, if I can press charges I might do that as well.
I will never turn in housing fraud ever again. I had no one to help me with this. I had a neighbor who is on the voucher program like I am. He lived above me. He had four family members living with him and a 3 year old. in a one bedroom. This is a senior apt complex. I reported to my manager that the noise was horrible. That there were 4 family members living there and a 3 year old.. She told me no there wasn’t that she takes unauthorized persons living here seriously. See she was already mad at me cause I had signed my lease early in the year with the leasing mgr. When I went for my voucher I told my case worker what my rent was she called me back and told me the mgr gave a different rate.. I didn’t have my copy so I went down to the office to get it. The mgr seen me asking for it and when back with the leasing agent. In a few mins the mgr not the leasing agent handed me my lease. As I was waking away I seen where she had changed the amount with a pen and wrote in the amount she said it was. I called the main office they made her retype the lease She has had it in for me ever since. so anyway back to the story. they could of had 50 people living there she was not going to do anything about it because they were annoying me. Anyway I gathered all the information made copies all of their drivers licence’s had this address on them proving they were living here. so i emailed all what I had proof of they all had criminal records as well. The very next day after I emailed the Houston Housing office she was knocking at my door handing me two lease violations Someone at the housing office either told her are sent all what I had sent. the lease violations were pargh 20 c and j. She would not tell me who I did this to or what I did to disturb them it was just the lease violation re written exactly like it was on the lease application. I ask her you just cannot accuse me of something and say someone told us you did this so your guilty and that is it I have a right to know what I did where I did this how I disturb them from having peace and enjoyment. She just kept telling me you know what you did you know I told her know I do not I gathered up all my records in the privacy of my own apt. I never once talked to the upstairs neighbor they had no clue what I did. She could not tell me cause it would be retaliation. I think the management company may of told her that. They would not take back the lease violation either I guess they thought if they did I could then sue. oh well so much for housing fraud never again
Living in Senior Complex. The day I moved in neighbors put vulgar notes on car, told Manager and she did nothing, nasty digs when I walked by, set fire in garbage can, when asking for another drink in cafetaria heckling riot got started and I was banned from community, constant vulgar digs, someone put something in food that made me paralyzed me for 9 months and Home Care to teach me how to walk again, car window smashed. Told manager this and she did nothing and created a reason to evict me. Police refuse to investigate or protect because bipolar and just talk alot. Being evicted. Police refuse to follow order of protection. Also twisting report so it does not make sense and cannot get an atty because report is twisted by dispatcher. Luitenent refuses to correct report. Dispatcher states that I became paralyzed due to the knock on my door. No sense and Officer was rude and refuse to correct report and will not protect me. The office swears at me setting me up to be evicted. Agencies use my Bipolar against me because of stigma. The Legal Attorneys will not help me either due to gossip and they believe my Manager who never addressed the Bullying. What do I do? I am low income and disabled
I am on Section 8 and many Landlords do not take it. Told they cant do this, but Landlords do it anyways and no one cracks down on Landlords.
When Landlords do nothing and Police do nothing, Bullying, and Cliques take over. This manager sees that there are more bullies than me, so majority rules.
I wanted to ask if there is a CA Civil Code for a tenant to break lease when a landlord makes threats of physical violence, continued harassment, and more.
I have a police report on the landlord for harassment and sent a notice to the company’s management stating the reason for leaving one month early. I received a debt collection on my credit report a year later.
California Civil Code 1940.2 only states “It is unlawful for a landlord to do any of the following for the purpose of influencing a tenant to vacate a dwelling”. However, it does not explicitly state a tenant being threatened can break lease.
I live in Maryland and from May i did not have air condition, my Landlord did not fix it until July 30th, along with other problems like light fixture, sliding door that was never fixed from my move in date two years ago. My Landlord makes up all kinds of excuses as to why he have not fix them, like cannot find anyone to repair guy broke his foot. So i decided that i will pack up and move. He owns a Condo so he now have the condo guy calling my job threatening to come up to my job for what i do not know. am at a point where am just tired of all the crap am now packing to move i have videos of water damage and mold and mildew, that his repair guys just spray painted over.
First, I live in a single family home that we have been renting for about 5 months. Thought it would be a fun adventure after selling our family home and buying a vacation place.I have a scary situation and feel like we need to leave as soon as possible. My landlords are a married couple. I only met the husband after we moved in since his wife handled the transaction. He suddenly decided he wanted to do yard work all the time,even though our lease states that the owners pay for professional landscaping. We agreed that he could come once in a while with notice. His wife has been overseas for the past three weeks, and he has started stalking (driving or walking by 6-8 times a day, and since I let him in the yard once, he felt he had carte blanche to come whenever he felt. Yesterday, he asked if he could come move trees, I declined and asked why he felt they needed to be move…..the gates of hell opened. Somehow he accessed credit files – without permission (but wrong ones) and called me and said that my husband is lying to us all and we are in dire financial straits. That my husband is a cheat and a liar. He wanted to meet at a coffee shop and discuss options. I declined, called my husband who agreed the guy is crazy. About 4 hours later, I received a text from the landlord saying he received new information and he was sorry he was wrong about our finances and thank you for watering the lawn. He lives in the neighborhood and has walked or driven by my house 8 times in the past 12 hours.
I’m 70 and really like my apt….they have gone from 950 to 1200…trying to find anyway to harass..only can have one car and one friend overat a time…harassing my visitors etc never anything in writting or proof..I’m so quite and follow rules..this is so stressful..like I was sitting on the edge of the pool..your feet better be clean etc etc.landlord girlfriend was told to leave…causing problems with everyone
I’m not leaving..I’ve done everything I can to comply…now it’s harrassment.
Sept 12 2017
Major harrassment going on here
My wife and i can’t afford a car of our own so her dad is allowing us to use his car so i could get back n forth to work!!! No w the problem is my wife fell ill not to long ago and he was hanging around off and on…. But other tenants have told management that he has been living here WHICH HE IS NOT!!! I recieved a paper in my mailbox stating he has to be completely off of the premisis which he is fine with but since he is leaving his personal car for us to use can the LL tell me i cant have it here if that is how i get back and forth to work and to get my kids to and from school?!?! Please help i need answers…..
I would communicate with your landlord that you are using your father-n-law’s car. There should be no reason for you not to be able to have the car on the premise, unless your lease agreement states otherwise. I would provide an current piece of mail with your father-in-law’s address on it, proving that he does not, and has not been, living at the rental as a long-term guest. Explain that you didn’t mean to raise alarm and you will be using his car but it is registered to him at his address (not the address of the rental). I don’t see how this would be a problem.
My husband and I are disabled and live year round in our rv that is also our daily driver. We visit our nephew quite often(sometimes daily if he needs work done or watch his kids) who lives in a single family dwelling, neighbors complained to city Code Compliance who talked to us 2 times in one week, when the neighbors were told by CC officers that our rv was not in any city violation they called our nephews landlord, who is also the neighbors landlord, the landLord then told our nephew that our rv is not allowed anywhere on the public street. We therefore cannot visit our family members? Both mine and my husbands disabilities are in the protected disabilities. Our nephew is afraid of retaliation from the landlord, any suggestions? Also, the nephews house is the only place we can fill our fresh water tank.
Hi, my living situation is kind of weird. My roommate has legitimate issues upstairs, she gets an SSI check and everything. Her mother is our landlord. I’ve lived here for about a year and I’ve been compromisable as well, considering they won’t exactly tell me what her problem is. I understand, to an extent, on why they would feel like that was none of my business. If it didn’t impact my living situation, yes. Of course, none of my business. But considering the fact that it does impact my life, quite a bit at that. I feel I should know what’s up with her, so I know how to respond to the situation or just so I can kind of understand why she responds the way she does. She used to keep the heater up at 90 and keep the door and Windows wide open. (My room is the smallest, and gets REALLY hot REALLY fast) I work graveyard, and she would stomp past my room clapping really loud after I got off work and was trying to get some rest for my next work night. I was hoping that she had Tourette, and wasn’t just being an a**hole. But I found out months after she started it, that she was, indeed, just being an a** because she just started to pound on my door. Fortunately, her mom was there and I had asked her to control her offspring. (Also, my landlord had just raised my rent for the second time suggesting that I was using a lot of electricity, but her daughter ratted her out and said that she was just going to raise the rent until I couldn’t afford it. This was right before my roommate threatened to kill me and threw a full can of soda at me.) She was physically abusing my emotional support kitty, which caused her to runaway. When I asked my landlords what I should do, they told me to bring my cat with me whenever I left the house. Mind You, I NEVER used the living room. I rarely used the kitchen. I would spend weeks out of the house after my cat was gone. I even stayed out a month one time! Well, she recently gave me a fake 60 day. A week later she gave me a 3 day, then the five day because I’m not paying rent. The toilet hasn’t worked IN months. But she’s blaming it on me. Telling me I’m using too much toilet paper, which I farse. I don’t flush tampons, I rarely even have bowel movements. She also room away washer and dryer privileges, she told me that it was broken and she unplugged it and turned the water off. She also turned the gas off while I was in the middle of cooking…i don’t deserve this. I shouldn’t have even paying rent. Due to lack of options, I kind of had to stay. But I was wondering if I have rights to any type of grievance compensation? Or anything? Do I get ANY Type of justice?
My landlord takes pictures of license plates of my visitors rare in a few but why would a landlord do this is this complete harassment what in the world and why would she be doing this when I pay rent on the time and I’m a quiet tenant. She took away the laundry services and is completely wrong when she says she wants to file suit it is complete and total harrasment. How can I have her be told that’s she’s wrong for this and by now I should he getting rent for free.
Ok my situation is a little different I live with my so called landlord , so he got a hud loan to get the house and their was already a gentleman staying on the 2nd floor in a 4 bdrm apt, AND on 1st floor is where landlord lives in 2bdrm apt where he rents a room out in which I rent, my question is i complained about him getting a new puppy 2 week after we sign week to week lease, AND I’M not saying he can’t have a dog ,but landlord DOES work 12hrs a day 7 days a week and was leaving dog at first. for me and my husband to clean up with no compensation until I complained about stepping in pee and having to wear shoes bc the dog would poop everywhere and still does but I complained about iit barking when he left to go to work at 5am and as soon as he would leave it was NON STOP BARKING AND WHEN U HAVE TO WORK, ITS JUST NOT COOL but he compensated us finally $25 for 7 days of clenaing up poop and pee and takiing his dog out now thats $3.58/day and NO OFFENCE MINIMUM WADGE IS $11/ HR AND IM NO ONES SLAVE, and my husband got upset finanlly after 3 weeks of NO SLEEP having to literlly go on the landlords shcedule if we wanted sleep. i tood the landlord and like i say my husband flipped bc he was fallijng askeep at the wheel thTs how bad it was, and my landlord does drink and b4 we got their he stated he was buying cheap bush beer and now he states he can buy the good beer $30 Samuel Adams, he drnks fron the tine he wakes up till he goes to bed and im not saying anything about that bc to each their own, but i feel sometimes he is influenced maybe in a wrong way, we say down and spoke while he drank a beer and he stated the words my husband used hurt his FEELINGS and so my husband as a REAL MAN apologized, I NEVER ONCE GOT AN Apology from him to EITHER of us, his Reply was that “IT’S MY HOUSE MY RULES AND YOUR RIGHTS DON’T REALLY MATTER”, SO I KEEP GETTING UPSET BC TONIGHT NIGHT B4 THANKSGIVING HE HAS HIS SISTER PICK2 HIM UP AND HE ALREADY TOLD HER THAT HE HAD TENANTS, AS HE CALLS US BC HE STATES HE IS A LANDLORD, OK, LIVING WITH HIM AND HOW I COMPLAINED ABOUT NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP SO NO JOKE SHE COME IN THE KITCHEN AND STANDS RIGHT IN FROINT OF OUR DOOR AND STARTS YELLLING AT HIS NEW PUPPY SAYING OH GOOD BOY, AND SO ON TALKING TO THE DOG BUT YELLING SO TO THE POINT THAT THE LANDLORD SAYS OH I HAVE TENANTS LIVING WITH ME AND HIS SISTER SAYS “OH I DIDN’T KNOW”, so one I know she did it on PURPOSE, but I’m not sure how this works??? I thought I had rights,??? I’m still researching MA, housing laws, but def speaking with a lawyer bc to me that is rude and CHILDISH and just shows me BOTH OF THEIR IQ’S…..
My wife and I are host parents of international students. I had lost my job because they relocated to another country and my wife works at the church. Hosting became our main source of income until Donald Trump became president. He made it difficult for these students to come here to study and because of that, we have fallen on hard times. Our rent became consistently late since June of this year. I had told my landlord of my situation. He was very forgiving at first. Don’t get me wrong but this man was very patient with me and I understand that there’s a limit to everything and the last couple of months were really stressful for me and most especially to him because he is married to a nagger! To make a long story short, he finally gave me a 3 day pay or quit. I asked if i could have more time to get my stuff out and in return, I will make his property move-in ready for the next tenants. He agreed and gave me a week. My mistake was underestimating the move and cleaning so I texted him and ask for one day so I could thoroughly clean the house. He came within a few minutes and banged on my door and started yelling at me. He was trying to embarrass me in front of my neighbors and also threatened my wife that he come to her place of work to embarrass her. I don’t know how the law regarding this matter in California and I want to know if this is legal for him to do that. Can someone please give me advice? Thank you in advance.
Local Anti-Harassment Provisions – Rent Control
Some cities in California have their own tenant protections against harassment. For example, the San Francisco Rent Ordinance prevents a landlord from harassing a tenant by:
Failing to perform repairs
Threatening to evict
Abusing right to access
Threatening the tenant with word or gesture
Where the tenant can prove the harassment, the landlord could be assessed a statutory penalty of $1,000 for each instance of harassment. If a tenant files suit, they can also seek an award of three times emotional distress and out-of-pocket damages. In addition, the award under this cause of action is cumulative, which means a tenant can collect this award and anything awarded under an alternate cause of action. The statute also provides for punitive damages and attorney’s fees. The City of Oakland has a very similar anti-harassment statute that provides protections to tenants.
The Berkeley Municipal Code prohibits landlords from taking any action that would cause a tenant to move out voluntarily, or any action by the landlord that decreases service due or raises rent in retaliation for requesting repairs or making a complaint to a governmental agency. Any landlord harassment within six months of a tenant’s action is generally presumed retaliatory. The law provides an award for actual and punitive damages and injunctive relief.
I live in Pa. I have a horrible landlord. He is the 3rd landlord I’ve had since moving into our house almost 8 years ago. If I talk to him on the phone, he constantly accuses me of things he can’t prove or says I’m making excuses and refuses to accept my explanations. None of the landlords I’ve had have ever done a thorough walkthrough of the house. There were minor damages left by previous tenants that were never repaired. Now the new landlord is coming to do an “inspection” all of a sudden. He has also told me to clean my house up. Granted, we’ve had some clutter, but it has been minimized and I clean regularly. I’m on section 8 living with my disabled adult son and adult daughter who has medical issues, so I’m the only one who works. I have done most of the repairs because I have the know how to do so. He claims the only reason I do any repairs is because I caused the damage to begin with, which I did not. I did the most recent repairs in order to keep from losing my housing voucher. Our local housing office went under new management and they found small things that had to be taken care of. The landlord refused to stick a crowbar in his wallet and repair them. So, I did it myself. He cannot prove any of his allegations and he served me a 30 day accusing me of breaking the lease. The claims were that I’m not taking proper care of the property even though I do all the yard work and most repairs. Also claiming I have more pets than is allowed on the lease. My lease has a pet allowance with no limit, but, I only have 2 cats. The 3rd allegation is that I supposedly have people living here that are not on the lease. As far as I know, overnight guests are permitted providing the stays are limited. I’ve already spoken to legal aid and they have the dates and details of some of the things my landlord has pulled. Would creating a written statement denying my part in the damages hold up in court? Anyone?
I was recently offered a job with a bank’s contact centre, then had the offer retracted at first because I have a poor credit rating. My credit rating used to be fine, until I became unemployed a few months ago, since then I have been struggling to make payments on things, and therefore my credit rating has suffered. I had applied for scores of jobs before and been turned down probably because of my age (59, although they would not tell me that !). This was the one and only offer of employment I had received and I was overjoyed, until the rug was pulled from under my feet. After some weeks of complaining about my credit situation to all credit report agent, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I did some research and found this credit coach cyber hack. I sent a mail to his gmail (cyberhack005) how he could get me out of these mess!! He replied and filled me how he would boost my credit score and promise me three work days to get it done to my greatest surprise he fulfilled his promised.
Glen ivy Rv park picks on elderly handicapped people. Such as towing there cars for no reason. Making them park 2blocks away. in no parking aura. not takeing payment in full. so much more
I have an annoying landlord ! She comes every month to check the flat , also she doesn’t want me to pay the bills because she likes to get the money and pay them her self , she gives me only scan of the bills by email , every months she comes to hurt me , she doesn’t want I speak with neighbors , one time I asked a neighbor about their bills because my bill was 200 dollar for one month , I wanted to know how was for them … after she told me why I have spoke with them , also told me that they are her freinds and I can not do anything! Why she should behave like this !? She put me in this situation by not giving me the bills and after she complains that I don’t trust her … I feel very uncomfortable living in the flat but she is not giving back my deposit as I have a one year contract and I have paid 6 months in advance .. I have three months more and one deposit .. what have I done to put my self in this situation, I don’t know who I can get help because I am in a bad situation. I live in serbia and the landlord is a Serbian woman , I am only a foreigner here . There is a rule of inspection here wich I didn’t know about it .
If the landlord holds onto my property, Locks me out of the building, by putting a lock on to the entrance door preventing me access to get my property, is what he’s doing illegal, can I file a police report, not only for lack of access, but illegally holding on to my property?
Lock-outs are illegal. I would talk to your local housing authority immediately.
Take your landlord to court and sue his ass, ask the court for a court order against the landlord for refusing you to get your property and write a letter to his boss. Report him to civil rights and fight for your rights, ask the court to make your landlord leave you alone. Get his ass arrested.
my landlord cheating on his wife with my mother in law. my mother in law do not live with me nor do they do anything in my house. landlord wife finds out about it and now will not renew my lease. so now im living month to month and now the landlord wife wants me and my kids out. can she kick me out???
Yikes, this sounds like a terrible and dramatic situation. Unfortunately, if you are a month-to-month tenant, your landlord can ask you to move-out as long as proper notice is given. But check your state laws. Some states have conditions that must be met before a no-cause eviction takes place. In other cases, your landlord might have to pay for all your moving fees.
I live in Country Life trailer park in Leesburg Florida. In the park management pushes people out all the time it’s the way they make their money. 17 years they’ve been doing this to me here and it gets worse and worse. One time I even caught them poisoning water. Police would not do anything they told me I had to prove they had the intent. Anything over 3 moose is the intent to poison the water. It takes your for moose the nucleus. Also had someone write the word kill on the back of my mobile home. They send me bills that I should not be paying and attacking my electricity costing me more money that I don’t have. It just keeps getting worse and worse
My new landlord who moved in keeps texting me to move my items out of the basement and threatened to not let me use it at all if I don’t move it to a smaller area that he deemed is my storage space. He says the entire basement is not in the lease, but I have been using the basement for storage for years. He says I have to move my stuff into a smaller room and there isn’t room because I already have stuff in there. The lease says I have a storage space. He also keeps texting me about this every other week. Then he asked me to put my stuff on a shelf and it can’t be on the floor. Then he asked me to move the stuff over because he had workers coming. I even called the police and now I just ignore him. Now he says he’s not renewing the lease which is up in 6 weeks. Can I sue him for bothering me or for retaliation because he send me the notice after I called the police?
Do any of you have any suggestions for a nosey/intrusive landlord who wants to know my business?
To provide context. I was searching for accommodation when I stumbled upon renting a room here. She actually called and pursued me, considering me a desirable person because I am stable/well educated, etc.
After I moved in, she demanded to know the name and phone number of my employer so she could check on me and confirm my employment. I never provided this. Had she asked for this at the outset, I would have found other accommodation as who wants a landlord calling your office….I have never had a problem making rent and i keep a regular schedule.
If I am home a day when I am not working, I get 20 questions — why am I not working? Have I lost my job.
If I wear heels to work? Why do you wear heels? I stopped wearing them just to avoid the question.
If I need to run to the car to get something — car is parked right outside…It only took you one minute to go up and down the stairs…explain! Why do you leave the house without a jacket or your hair wet?
Things were going well at work and so I felt happy confident…upon seeing me smiling and happy…I get corned…where do you work again? What is the name of the company? how much are you earning? HOw do you spell the name? What do they do? Maybe I can get their services too!
She watches TV all day in living room and so is there when I leave/come home…watches everything I do…Once I come home, I have to stay in my room…otherwise if I go out again, it’s 20 questions.
I am a quiet, responsible renter, respectful, respect her space, keep my distance and all she does is watch. I saw her looking into my window while watering plants. Why can’t landlords let renters live their own lives?
I got cagey when she demanded infor about my employer. That’s my livelihood and its none of her her business. I have an ordinary corporate job. She wants to know EVERYTHING about me.
When I originally moved in, I told her I had transitioned in my career –she wanted to know why I wasn’t still in the old job which paid more. I explained that I wanted to go into a new field, that the old one was losing opportunities….she thought it a stupid idea and told me so….again 20 questions, questioning my every judgment, decision, why did i do this, not that…
I’m afraid to smile now as any sign of happiness or openness makes her pounce upon me with more questions. She researches me on social media or the Internet and then tells me things she has found about me…interests, whatever and then demands an explanation. It could be something as mundane as flying kites. “I see you fly kites? Why do you fly kites.”
I now keep my head down, look sullen and she leaves me alone. Smile brightly and it’s what are you wearing? How much did you pay for that outfit? How is work? Where do you work again? Why do you do?
Is this normal. I look at renting as a business transaction. We have a respectful, friendly professional relationship, we’re not buddy buddy. I respect your property, pay rent in timely fashion, keep property clearn, observe house rules and you provide suitable accommodation and leave me alone. Do landlords expect you just to be an open book and to gush about your personal life and tell people everything. Whatever happened to boundaries? I just am worried now I may be evicted since she seems annoyed over my responses to her 20 questions..why this? why that? I feel i have to justify my very existence to this person.
Thoughts, suggestions, PLEASE!
Thank you!
I have been living at B and F Flats in Dallas, TX for a few months now and I feel discriminated against. It began with the management refusing to allow my 15 year daughter to have a key fob to enter the property since she isn’t on the lease. Then management refused to allow her to be on the lease so that one can be issued to her. Only after posting comments on google and Facebook the management allowed her to have one then quickly asked for me to remove the post. Now in retaliation one of their leasing agents who knows me stopped me while attempting to put my rent in their rent drop box one evening she told me,”You don’t look Iike you live here” in front of my daughter. I asked her what are people who live here supposed to look like? She demanded I tell her my name, apt number and threatened to call the police on me if I did not answer her questions. I informed the property manager who never replied with any information as to if she spoke with the leasing agent about the incident. Now when she sees my daughter swimming in the community pool with her babysitter she begins with the same rude comments to them. Demanding the same information from her. We feel uncomfortable to live here and have several more months left on the lease. I am a single dad and want a comfortable safe place for my child to live without harassment. These are supposed to be high end apartments but they are full of drunks who party all weekend and I feel like the management is upset that I have children and they want us out. I don’t know what to do. Should I ask them to allow me out of my lease? Do I need a lawyer? or should I just ignore these things and chaulk it up to these people just being jerks.
Take detailed notes of each interaction you have with management or the apartment staff. You might want to talk to a lawyer if the management does not let you out of the lease without penalty.
I’m dealing with harassment from my landlord’s daughter…
After her father had entered my home multiple times with his copy of the key…
All times I warned him I was not dressed and each time he still entered…
The last time he did this I was on the phone with my son who heard me yell before and after he came in to get out..
I told his daughter about it and she said that I’m trying to get her dad in trouble and it’s time I move.. I agreed.. since I’ve gotten multiple text messages being threatened and the language used is very intimidating… I had my son move in to feel safe and sleep with a chair propped up under the door knob…
I’ve tried getting section 8 to help but they do nothing. I’m even to the point of cutting section 8 and just moving out… What can I do?
Any advice is welcomed and appreciated.
I have posted about a situation of Huge amounts of dog Poo outside of my Apartment windows and patio. The smell is horrible And a Neighbor that likes the walkway to be her patio and heaves trash spilled soda Bringing ants Roaches,,, and having Parties at least three to four times a week until well after mid night. I was advised to photograph and let the manager see my proof. She has seen it and did nothing so I did, I emailed the photos of peoples dogs drooping and running Took Picks of 75 Piles of poo eww. and the trash. All of this is a no no in the lease. My Landlord replied Thank you ,This will help he stop this situation. I said if she needs me to for anything not to hesitate. Well the evening of the 3rd I get a lease violation claiming I was cursing and causing a scene chasing people and other things I cant dis as I am disabled. I do not use that sort of language in public or dealing with people I do not know. I do not yell.I cant. These are all false allegations. Landlady said she can do nothing without visual proof. There is no Proof it simply does not exists because it never happened. But She issued a Lease Violation anyway. I do not know what to do. She also refused a state and Dr approved letter stating my cats are Comfort animals. She is sort of new here. and in 9 years of no problems and on time rent payments I suddenly am getting picked out. She doesn’t care that I am an older disabled person. Not sure what to do I cant afford to move.
I would speak with your local housing authority and tenants group immediately. It sounds like you have a very valid case and could benefit from some legal help. It might be more affordable than you think to seek assistance.
I have a question.. I live with my mom who has schizophrenia, and she refuses to pay the rent because she thinks the house has bugs that got into her head. Anyways, that on it’s own is a lot, but the landlord has given us an eviction notice and my mom is seeing a lawyer about it, but he would stop banging at our door for hours and hours every day demanding to confront us, even though we’ve gotten the notice. He will go around the back and walk up the stairs to our porch and peer in the house, which he isn’t allowed to do assuming the porch is our property, and continue knocking and ringing the doorbell for hours. Is this allowed? Can we call the cops if we don’t want to speak to him? Like i said my mom is very ill right now and she is the only person technically renting, but if she is in disarray she can’t answer the door..
If he already served you with an official notice for eviction, then he shouldn’t be bothering you. I would take excellent notes of these instances and bring them to your lawyer who will help in court on the day of your eviction hearing. Best of luck to you.
can i request for a sample of complaint and request help to a mayor if harassment occurs
This is a very insightful article on landlord-harassment Landlord harassment is the attempt by a landlord to pressure or intimidate a tenant using aggressive methods as most tenants are on the defensive when it comes to renting.
My sister lives in a mobile home park in the state of Iowa. They will not approve me to live with her. Can they restrict me on how often I can visit her? Can I be at her house everyday but not sleep there?
It depends on what the lease says about guests visiting the property. They typically cannot make up a new rule that isn’t already in the lease.
My mother lives in a HUD apartment building for elderly and disabled tenants. The building has a very strict no smoking policy with the building or anywhere on the property. Two times in the past, the manager has issues verbal warnings to my mother for smoking in her apartment. And just recently, she was issued a written notice regarding the same. The big joke is, my mother doesn’t smoke. She used to a long time ago but now she can’t stand to be anywhere near it. There are others in the building who smoke on their balconies and think they’re getting away with it. There is someone who claimed to smell smoke coming out of my mother’s apartment. And this is the same manager who kept claiming my mother had a cat in her apartment on several occasions. And there is and wasn’t any cat. What recourse can she take to get that written warning out of her file. Because it can be grounds for eviction if all these unfounded and untrue violations are left to stand.
I’m a domestic violence survivor and I live in uninhabitable living conditions. I suffer from PTSD and severe anxiety. In which my owner made a statement that disrespected me. Our apartment building is infested with bird mites she made a comment saying she understands that I went through DV and was hit in the areas of my face and head and that I’m not being bitten up maybe it’s psychological! What gives here the right to say something like that to me? I told my DV advocate what was said and filed a complaint through fair housing in which they took their time, never spoke to any witnesses only my therapist which was on my side due to him seeing me break down in his office and had a panic attack.Fair housing did nothing they didn’t handle my case correctly or in a timely manner. My heater went out in Oct 2018 and still isn’t fixed in January 2019! They NEVER fix repairs in a timely manner. This has exacerbated my anxiety! Trying to breathe as I type. I contacted code enforcement Oct 2018 due to the apartment above me over flooding into my bathroom… still not repaired. She harasses me by putting 24 hour notices on my door at od hours of the night. She does this every time she has a deadline this is slorable living conditions! Today is the 15th of January she has until the 18th to make the repairs. She informed her manager who is a very great person to put 24 hour notices on my door ever day up until the 18th, the day of the inspection! She had ample enough time to repair things and chose not to.So she’ll keep harassing me because she knows by not doing the repairs in a timely manner is a trigger for my anxiety!
I live with a lady who is renting a room, she has a tube tv stand for a wall mount, i have a 36″ flat screen tv so the tube tv wouldnt work for tv mount, anyways for 2 months she been on my case about the tv wall mount, a friend mine called land lady and even the land lady admitted to my friend that she is fine with changing tv mount to flat screen, that i would pay a handyman to do so that way she would leave me alone and not come in my room yelling and screaming about why or when your gonna put the tv mount, add to that she been going into my everyday when i leave to open a window in my room.. Yesterday her handyman puts tv mount which ” her and i agreed on” well the guy put it on backwards so the tv is swing like crazy instead of it being balance so i addressed to her in politely manner that he needs to fix it.. She said i need the money now, i said im not buying him until its done right, she said well you of done it, i said im not touching anything in your house, i pay rent thats it, like i said for 2 months she been harrassing me over the tv mount when are gonna do it when are gonna do it…i finally told her if i do it im changing you for putting up a t.v. mount plus a written agreement that i had the okey to put it up.. This morning she told me she never wanted the tv mount so on, so i said then why did you pay the handyman to do it…shes threatening me to be kicked out
My office management has been lying, gossiping about me, slandering my name. Gave me permission to do the organization I need to do, for my office. In the middle of it, they took the permission away. Tried to take an entire rent out of a closed account. They were charged $50 & made me pay it. Lied to a case worker. That bank caught them & told me. My bank took them off automatic payment. I got that $50 back, but they won’t admit what they did & two banks know it. My AC unit was squealing & grinding. I reported it & they told me boarder line harassment. This summer it broke lose & effected 3 apartments flood out back & a sink hole appeared at this time the size of a city block. There was a gash in the wall, my entire floor was effected cracking & waving everywhere. Took them months to fix it as it was getting worse. Called it cosmetics. No one believes them. I had a bank issue over the pin number & it made me late by one day. They can only charge $50 on a $1,000 rent, but they are trying to charge me $150. The attorney general told me not to pay it & tell them they will be in touch. Then the partial shut down happened. Their answer was the owner can charge whatever amount he wants which it against the law. No dead bolt lock. The storm door doesn’t lock at all. I wouldn’t let them steal my electricity & they threatened to throw me out in a few days. They know, I went through a major trauma & they are helping my Blood pressure go up to 220 on the top. I am seeing a doctor. I have an anxiety illness no cure & they don’t care. They right before Christmas told me by sticky not on a letter to pay the late fee & the initials to quit, if I don’t. I had a repair man, without my knowledge in my apt forcing the door open. Using my electricity for as far as the extension could go. This time, their abuse backfire. I come walking into my living room & saw that & it terrified the day lights out of me. The man who was doing this, when I told them I was not told today, he got upset. He told me “They can not force you to give them your electricity. It’s against the law. He went to the office & talked to them. The office manager came to talk to me & she looked at me & said, “You don’t look good.” No security here, they ask the tenants to look out. People kept trying to break in saying they were the electric company, but I knew better. Called the office up & they lied about doing something, but it kept happening & they did not stop them. I can’t handle living here much longer, they will not leave me a lone. They answer when I won’t back down is hang up on me. They my lease it up the 29 of this month. I haven’t been up to finding another place. They know I’m moving & told me they have to know when. I told them “When I know, you will know.” I have a doctor’s note, stating I have a right to a safe environment, a tad about my health & he gave me 4 months to move out. Never gave it to them, so they can find a reason to do more. I barely want to get out of bed. I’m so depressed & I’m moving a lone. Then, the rent went up over $30 & it does every year another tenant told me. I don’t feel all that good. I came home from surgery, major surgery & almost died, because I gave up the will to live. I went home & cleaned, because they make me a nervous wreck. Going to try to find just an apt & no complex.
This article was great. I am 69 years old and pay my rent on time. Recently the landlord claim i was not paying rent. Had all receipts to prove it. I was away and he put eviction notice on door and the super of the building came in with a key and stole my electronics and all my son sneakers which were collectables. I did go court and had to pay court fees and late fees they held my bank checks did not cash and claimed they only accept postal money orders. This was an excuse to rob me blind and leave home ram shacked. I need legal help in the state of new jersey. Please advise. Thank you. What are the legal steps need help. Still pay rent unable to physically live there anymore. Feel violated physically, emotionally and mentally just lost. Help. Armunn201@gmail.com
Does your lease say they only accept money orders? If you have been paying rent, and have not been evicted, then you still have a legal right to live there. I would contact your local housing authority immediately to seek further guidance. Good luck!
I live in a 55 and over community. My manager is abusive to the tenants that live here. He harrasses guests and questions me on every guest that comes to my home and asks who it is visiting me when he sees a car that is unfamiliar to him. He calls me when i am out doing an errand and my car is not in the driveway but my guest’s car is in the driveway asking if the guest is staying with me. I have informed him that i have 3 adult children that visit me often. They do not stay with me and have offered him proof of address for them which he declined. He continues to harrass me and my guests and the cars parked in my driveway. He calls me and i have a voicemail that states that he didn’t see my car in the driveway but sees my son’s car parked in the driveway and has said it’s not okay that he is there when I am not. I informed him that i went out with my son that day in my car. He then stated that my car was not there the next day but my son’s car and my daughter’s car was parked at my house. I told him I took my elderly neighbor to the grocery store and then spent time talking with her at her place for an hour. I should not have to explain my whereabouts to the manager and who and why my guest is parked in the parking lot. He also is verbally abusive with the elderly women who live alone. He uses intimidation tactics and bullying on them. When he has to address a tenant he waits until the male resident is not there and then calls to yell and be verbally abusive with the female resident. I have harrassing voicemails from him stating “It’s not okay that your son’s car is parked in your driveway and you are not home.” He is focused on my whereabouts and my guests whereabouts too much. He questions all of my guests that come to my house when they nor I are breaking any rules. My guests feel harrassed and so do I and feel uncomfortable anytime i have a visitor. I own the mobile home but pay space rent. I am a younger older resident that lives in the park and am single and live alone. I feel he is focused on me and is too intrusive. He also is discriminatory and picks on the only African American elderly female who is a Jehovah’s Witness in the park. She has filed a complaint about him to adult and aging services. He only allows white residents to live in the community. What are my options?
I suggest speaking with your local housing authority about your options. Good luck!
Can you help me to stop the harassment from the apartment staff? I just try to many different ways to get out of this trouble, if you can, please do.
The Morning Run Apartment staff under Coast Property Management at 18463 Blueberry Ln, Monroe, WA 98272 harassing tenants, not doing their job, creating more problem.
The heater in the large bedroom only worked on high level, if I turned it on for long time, the room would be very hot, and for a long time my nose would be bleeding. It had happened to me before, but if I turned lower, the heater would be off completely, and I would be cold, and get sick. The problem was only in the large bedroom, we called for fixing it on Monday, February 25, 2019 and waited until the next day, February 26, the maintenance men made it work fine. I did not asked for the heater in the small bedroom, but they replaced the new control pad of the heater in that room. The result was the heater in the large bedroom worked properly, but the same problem was repeated in the small bedroom. The room is very hot for short time after the heater is on, or the room is cold completely, no other way to change the heat My husband called the office again in the same day many times, but nobody answered the phone. My husband had to call and come to the office in person every day in the week, they kept promising they would come to take a look. Until a week later Monday, March 04, 2019 the manager Joyce L. Willard and a maintenance man came to change the control pad of the heater in large bedroom, I came out and said I had not asked to fix this one, the problem only in the other room. The manager stopped me and said they would fix this one working correctly (although that heater having no problem at that time), then would fix the other room. They lied, after they left, both heaters in large and small bedroom are not working properly, they are only on at high level.
On Thursday, March 07, 2019 I sent an email to Coast Property Management to report the situation, the manager of that office came to my place with a maintenance man on the same day. They called my husband to inform they had fixed both of the heaters, but they lied again, both heaters only work at high level. If they are on for a time, I feel hot and difficult to breathe. If turn them low, I feel very cold.
I sent another email to Coast Property Management to request them doing their job on Friday, March 08, 2019, they were quiet.
Not only this latest problem, from the day I moved July 01, 20111 until now I have to bear a constant harassment, they did not do good job, tried to come back, tried to to talk to me for unnecessary things. I will provide more information when you need.
If you have any clue to help me to get of this trouble, please tell me. Thank you
Julie Nguyen
This seems like a very specific circumstance so I recommend you reach out to your local housing authority.
Does anyone know if they are supposed to give a one day time frame for inspections? Or can it be a three day time frame? I was under the impression they’re supposed to give you a day and approx.. time so you can arrange to be there?
thanks this helped a lot
Can you help me to stop the harassment from the apartment staff? I just try to many different ways to get out of this trouble, if you can, please do.
The Morning Run Apartment staff under Coast Property Management at 18463 Blueberry Ln, Monroe, WA 98272 harassing tenants, not doing their job, creating more problem.
The heater in the large bedroom only worked on high level, if I turned it on for long time, the room would be very hot, and for a long time my nose would be bleeding. It had happened to me before, but if I turned lower, the heater would be off completely, and I would be cold, and get sick. The problem was only in the large bedroom, we called for fixing it on Monday, February 25, 2019 and waited until the next day, February 26, the maintenance men made it work fine. I did not asked for the heater in the small bedroom, but they replaced the new control pad of the heater in that room. The result was the heater in the large bedroom worked properly, but the same problem was repeated in the small bedroom. The room is very hot for short time after the heater is on, or the room is cold completely, no other way to change the heat My husband called the office again in the same day many times, but nobody answered the phone. My husband had to call and come to the office in person every day in the week, they kept promising they would come to take a look. Until a week later Monday, March 04, 2019 the manager Joyce L. Willard and a maintenance man came to change the control pad of the heater in large bedroom, I came out and said I had not asked to fix this one, the problem only in the other room. The manager stopped me and said they would fix this one working correctly (although that heater having no problem at that time), then would fix the other room. They lied, after they left, both heaters in large and small bedroom are not working properly, they are only on at high level.
On Thursday, March 07, 2019 I sent an email to Coast Property Management to report the situation, the manager of that office came to my place with a maintenance man on the same day. They called my husband to inform they had fixed both of the heaters, but they lied again, both heaters only work at high level. If they are on for a time, I feel hot and difficult to breathe. If turn them low, I feel very cold.
I sent another email to Coast Property Management to request them doing their job on Friday, March 08, 2019, they were quiet.
Not only this latest problem, from the day I moved July 01, 20111 until now I have to bear a constant harassment, they did not do good job, tried to come back, tried to to talk to me for unnecessary things. I will provide more information when you need.
If you have any clue to help me to get of this trouble, please tell me. Thank you
I AM being harassed by my landlord 100% 😟 but I am scared to write him a letter as I am sure he will be upset and just kick us out! We do not have the money to move r now. What do I do? He lives next door and is constantly In our backyard..(we have no privacy)..😟..He has been in our home while we are away..the neighbors have seen him..and I know for a fact..as he actually changed the filter on the fridge when we came home. He puts his lawnmower..blower, etc in our garbage..so he is in the garage quite often and leaves the door open for a cpl hours at a time..even when I’m not home. It all makes me feel uncomfortable! I have bad anxiety bcuz of it and have been having nightmares! I’m worried that he may be coming in whenever I leave my house. What can I do? I know I have rights and I feel he should be sued for trespassing, stalking maybe?? For making me feel sooo uncomfortable, for my anxiety, etc shoot I may even have PTSD. I’m serious. Oh and he STARES at everyone that comes to my house and makes THEM feel uncomfortable! It is SO embarrassing! One friend of ours is not white..hes a very sweet black gentleman, and every time he comes over..the landlord just stares him down..like who are you? What are YOU doing there? I have bn feeling this way for so long..but I was just hoping he would soften his heart and things would change. We are good renters and have always been kind to him. Very kind. We TRY to talk to him when were outside, but he acts like he doesnt want to talk to us..again making us feel uncomfortable. Please help!
We rented a place in Orland Maine and the landlord did the lease and the walk thru but had us put different dates cause his family couldn’t move out by the first of the month. We came back from Florida walls were full of holes, spray paint all over walls, mildew on Windows , painting was not done, bathroom was still under repair. He had not gotten a contractor to paint nor did he have record of colors and told me I needed to paint and agreed to the paint colors I had extra off. We really couldn’t move in until 5 weeks later.
During the two years we had snow storms where sanding wasn’t getting done and had to a argue with management company, my wife broke her tibia and phibia of which the landlord would not fill out incident report legally required thru his insurance. My wife could not go up the stairs into the home so I was forced to build a ramp.The rent was raised no notice ahead, water was required treatments never told us, also humidifiers commercial put on electric and no notice of these. Simply put this forced me to move and the landlord while I have video of going in and leaving lease the landlord keeps sending me emails and calling every day which is causing extreme pressure on my wife and myself. He is saying the colors were not approved so will be charging me for the paint job his brother in law is doing. That’s the very one who left it a mess. What can I do to rid myself of this gorilla. Michael
My husband and I rented a basement and found out my landlord tried to come in while we sleeping and stole my mail after 2 months. I reported him to the police and he got arrested. After that and did not want rent from us and it is a nightmare, he threaten us and try to take things in his own matter, We in the process of court. Everyday he would have his music extremely loud that the wall vibrated and he would scream saying thing behind his door like he is going to kill us and making chicken sound when I walk in and out. Plus he like to slam the door in the hallway middle of night and call the police making false report that we do drugs, have guns, turning on light in the hallway and etc to get us arrested. Even I have the order of protection against him he still do all these and put middle finger in from of my camera. I called the police but they doesnt arrest him because they say it is gray area since he lives at the apt next to you and you are in process of housing court. Recently the weather got warmer and he stays in of his garden sitting in front of my window like 4 to 5 feet away. Since this is his property, is he violating the order of protection to stay away from me at least 700 yard and stay away from my home. He used the back door to come out but sometime he uses the door next to me just to slam it walking in to wake us up. I am very uncomfortable.
I have been in my apartment for 5 years now. The off site manager started nailing no smoking signs and calling tenants about the new change.
Hud tenants seem to be the most to lose. Can’t afford a lawyer much less moving cost or a new place with a replacement voucher. So the manager makes up new rules..saying there’s no smoking because he has to clean it.
Since smoking is no issue because it’s not in the lease. Is the address of the property out for manager harassment because it’s outside the apartment. Like parking if the car needs a battery so is not being driven. The harassment is the manager had no legal permits. New tenants take it from his word.
I rent a townhouse in a complex that has a number of children in it….It’s one of the reasons I decided I wanted to move to the location…
The Management company has recently taken notice of ‘concerns’ related to the children living in the development. Specifically, – trash in common areas that the management company has stated is a result of the children not throwing away snack packages into the trash receptical, children ‘playing’ on equipment in the dog park, and kids playing ball in the parking lot. While I agree that playing ball in the parking lot is a safety concern for everyone – not just the children. I am taken back that the management company has specifically taken aim at my children and the other children in the complex by blaming them for the debris in the common areas. The ‘concerns’ expressed by management have escalated to the point that the assistant property manager has sent me a letter (as well as all other parents) stating that she will be ‘taking’ the childrens pool pass if she finds a kid, playing in the parking lot, playing in the dog park, or litering The problem I have is it seems like my child is being unfairly targeted. I have seen many adults goofing off in the parking lot – even repairing their car in the parking lot. It seems unfair that the manager can ‘take’ my childs pool pass which is part of the ammentities I pay for. It also seems unfair that the management company can target children for punishment. The manager has started taking pictures and even called me into her office and asked me to look at a picture on her computer and asked me ‘if any of these were mine’ when she showed me a picture of kids playing in the dog park. Of course I acknowledged my daughter and said I would discuss with her the use of the dog park but since my daughter was there with our dog (while the other kids were not) I really do not see an issue with her being in the park area. There are no age restrictions only that you have to be with your dog.
Sorry for the ramble, my questions are:
1. Can the Management Company take pictures of my child without my consent in dedicated play areas of the complex? At this time there are no security cameras or notices that pictures are being taking.
2. Can the management company ‘take’ my child’s pool pass if the management company feels she has done something they do not like but is not specified in the lease? Example, playing on dog park equipement.
3. Can the manager make up rules that apply to the children only? Example, the manager stated she didn’t want the kids on the equipement in the dog park because they can ‘break it’ and it is new. If she catches them she will take their pool pass away.
I’m fed up with all the verbal abuse. I cannot afford to move not living on 500 a month. But I am moving th F out anyways. I am putting everything I own in a 50 a month locker and gonna live under the river bridge in a free refrigerator box.
I dont blame you Bill.
I want to move too!!!
Let’s move into a refrigerator box together! Lol
Seriously I’m in the same boat as you!
I wish you the best!
I went to my local housing authority and they said they only help people on section 8 and to get on there is a 6 year waiting list!
My Complaint is about the harassment I am constantly receiving from my landlord constantly about my red Jeep. I cannot afford to pay to get it fixed at this time; and to them, it’s an eyesore. I have to pay this increasenly high rent, 2 car notes and insurance on a vehicle that I use for work and my lemon of a truck I’m stuck paying for; now this truck is in need of repairs and I explained all this in an email to the office back in May. No reply, no response from the office, not even a phone call. Now today I get home and there’s an orange sticker on it stating it will be towed in 72hrs because it’s inoperable and/or not in use. What right do they have to force me to move my truck which is in no ones way and I’ve lived here since 2015 with no problems until this new company took over. They are putting a financial strain on me to move my truck and put it in the shop when I’m still paying for this and lemon and it’s insured. If I could afford to put it in the shop and get it fixed along with paying the $399 car note plus insurance, then I would have done so. I can’t afford to have my truck towed and still pay the note on it plus rent and not to mention the vehicle I use for work, paying a note on that one too. There’s got to be something that can be done about this. Sorry for the rant but this is just so upsetting to me. I seriously cannot wait to move out of this place. It feels like a prison. We can’t have cable here because it’s not in the area. we can’t have a satellite dish because they don’t want it on the building and now we can’t even have a grill of any kind; no gas grill and no charcoal grill now on top of this they want to start harassing again me about a truck???
Bloomingdale, IL
I desperately want to move because my landlords bother me constantly.
I live in a tiny rental house behind there giant house. We share a drive way and know when I come and go or whomever.
We moved here 6 years ago, we were so happy to escape the crowded city and have the opportunity to live in the woods..on a farm.
For the first year, this place was quiet and peaceful..it was like being on vacation.
I understand the landlord has to clean the chimney and make repairs. But here lately, they have been hardcore about doing work on and around the house.
For example: the back patio was rotting away.
Ok so it gets redone but not painted. The people go out of town for 2 weeks( best 2 we’ve had in 5 years!) Not 24 hours after they get back,( the madness begins and it has not stopped) the lady bangs on the door and says she’s gotta paint the patio, ok that’s fine. It’s Friday and the kids have a football game. Here it is 5:30..gotta leave in 15 minutes and daughter is not ready for the game. The lady starts banging on the back door and asks me to get everything off the patio. I say I can’t right now, I’ll get it before I leave. She replies..no you need to do it now! ok.
Get back from the game. Patio painted and there’s also brown paint all of my above ground pond, but she took the time to put up paper on the house..gotta protect that from paint!
So there’s strike one…no 24 hour notice and extremely rude.
I’ll do ya another good one…the very next morning! Saturday 8 a.m. were awoken to the front of the house being power washed. My Halloween decorations were trashed! We weren’t even notified about this. Anyways, it took em’ 9 days to paint the front of house. They had hired a guy to do it and he showed up on 4 separate occasions doing God knows what…he sure wasn’t painting. Landlords never once notified us that the front of the house was getting painted.
Ok not done…
This past weekend I was notified that the chimney needed cleaned out, even though it had been done in the spring. I said it’s cold out and you guys already did that, it’s going to be inconvenient for us at the time. Ok next day bang on the door so loud and hard, it shook the house. My husband answered and I heard the lady say I gotta get in here to clean the chimney now. We had a fire going(that’s our only heat source by the way) My husband had to put the fire out and I guess she nagged at him over a few petty things. While this was happening, I was in my room experiencing my first panic attack. That was the rudest most outrageous thing anyone has ever done to us. My husband has just told me that the lady took measurements in the middle of the house, to replace the carpet. We have two young kids that spill and track in dirt..replacing carpet unnecessary. This alteration would deprive us of use of the whole house.
I feel like we’re being harassed, the landlords are making our living situation uncomfortable. It’s to the point where, whenever I return home I have a feeling of dread. They’re always around our house doing whatever. They leave this tractor running all hours of the day.
For living in the woods, this is the loudest place I’ve ever lived.
I believe my landlords are doing all these annoying and unnecessary things just to get us out. That’s illegal.
I just wanted to share my story and to anyone going through a similar situation…you are not alone. We have rights and ain’t nobody coming in your house during the dead of winter to replace carpet.
Just wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process – from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it’s fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done – going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! ww w.westernloanfinance .c om
Georgia no has a landlord retaliation law. This site has good information but should be updated.
landlord talking shit about me to my neighbors saying untrue things
hello, my landlord is threatening to kick me out if i dont switch shifts at work…is this legal? im in canada
Our Landlord has been bullying my partner and I as he would not lodge our bond so we complained. Since this he has made our lives as miserable as possible and threatened via text to shoot me and **** in my mouth. He knows all the neighbors and he has been getting them to harass us as well. Then they all lie and cover for each other.
That sounds horrible, Allan. If you have tried to resolve your issues the landlord and it seems to be escalating you should talk to an attorney about filing an official complaint. If you are concerned about your safety, call the local authorities.
Excellent answer! Too often, if not most of the time, the flippant answer to one’s having housing issues, is to just up and leave. Just like that. No, disabled people on a fixed income cannot do that. Unfortunately, the poster, is whether she is aware of it or not, exemplifying a typical ablest point of view. “Just” do this or that. Being disabled impacts every part of one’s life. Every single part. This is why helpers are needed to guide those and to protect them, who are vulnerable. In fact, the term for a disabled adult who has limitations is “a vulnerable adult”. I’ve seen too many disabled folks who get taken advantage of, and the solution is not for the disabled person to retreat! The solution is to keep educating society, keep reaching out to those is need, keep passing better legislation so that individuals with disabilities are not exploited and/or bullied by unethical people who rent out their property.
and have it all their way. We have rights! Getting hooked up with the right people who will see that disabled persons are properly treated is the hard part. Thank goodness for forums such as this one. Please, when you find a good resource, spread the word!
My landlord filed an eviction without cause. He needs to move back into the home. We filed our response to the court and awaiting the hearing. He is currently sitting in my yard at the side of the house. He said it is separate property from house and he has the right. The side yard was incorporated to the house lot back n 2005. It is all the same property. He is also stating that we cannot use the yard. Is this legal? We are in Florida
Michele, unfortunately, I am not able to offer any legal advice on this topic but it appears this landlord may be crossing some lines and infringing on your right to Quiet Enjoyment of the home. If you feel in danger while he is sitting in the side yard, call the authorities. Otherwise, If I were in your shoes I would speak to your lawyer regarding the landlord behavior. Both your lawyer and the local housing authority should be able to give you details on Florida and local regulations regarding Quiet Enjoyment, landlord notifications required to visit, change in allowing use of the yard, and that lot line disagreement.
Hello, I’m on a month to month lease and I have been living here over 2 years(27 months). I have not signed a lease since 2018. A Tax Foreclosure Notice was on the rental property. I am just finding out that the taxes have not been paid since 2017. With me being a tenant here what are my rights? Can the landlord evict me for late payments? or take me to court? For withholding rent money, because of repairs not being made(problem heating home, dead wall sockets, clogged drains) and maintenance(defective lighting, faucets, household pest, mold). I keep my unit clean and I constantly exterminate by buying glue traps, roach motels, roach bait, roach spray, roach gel as seen on TV, roach fogger, home barrier for bugs and insects, and caulk. I even pay the $100 late fee every month. I am not behind on rent and I have done my research. This property is not up to code. And has an infestation of roaches and bedbugs.
She wouldn’t accept my November’s rent(remaining balance $475 Including late fee) because it was after the 11/06/2020. And stated “she is tired of me paying my rent late…” ‘She doesn’t want my money…” “That she was supposed to have evicted me after three late payments…” “I’ve been paying my rent late every since I moved in…” “And that she can no longer allow me to stay on her property., etc…” A week later I received a hand delivered Eviction Notice(seven day notice) attached to a Notice to Quit(Judge did not sign). I contacted her about the notice and she was very rude and unprofessional yelling that I have to be out 11/20/2020. I expressed how hard it will be for me to find a place to stay(I have income and I don’t have a problem paying rent) during a pandemic, and with the holidays around the corner. After going back and forth over a course of days, I told her that I have my rent money for this month and the following month. On 11/22/20 she requested $950 for me to stay until 12/31/2020 and not a day longer. And for me to put it in her drop box by 3 pm. If I didn’t I have to be off her property by December 1st or a bailiff will be out that day to put me out. She claims she keeps in contact with the judge and that there will not be a court process. I gave her two money orders totaling $515, cash $185(put in drop box), and Cash App $100.
Hello, I have a question. I’m asking for my 87 year old mother. She rents a mobile home and has all utilities in her name. Specifically the electric Bill utility is her name which she pays monthly to the power company. Recently her landlord has been plugging into an outside electric outlet with an extension cord on the outside of the trailer she lives in to hook up equipment to work on another trailer he is renovating. By doing this he is using her power all day long(8-10 hrs.), every day for weeks now. As I stated the Power Bill is in her name which she receives each month from the Power company to pay. Due to this her monthly bill has gone way up since the landlord started doing this. She is on a fixed income and it just doesn’t seem right for her to have to pay extra on her bill every month from him using her power. I just recently found out this was going on, as my mother cannot see very well and didn’t notice he was doing it, and didn’t know why her bill was going up. It’s shameful for someone to take advantage of a senior in this way. Do you have any advice on what to do or how to handle this? She’s afraid for me to say anything to him, afraid he will try to cause her problems, but in my opinion it’s theft! Thank you in advance and for your time.
If the outlet is drawing from her power that she is paying, then that park employee is in the wrong. You may need to go above the park manager and reach out to the management company to offer pictures and copies of the electric bill. Hopefully, they will agree to credit your mother’s lot fee for the difference. If they won’t cooperate, many states have a mobile home ombudsman or mobile home assistance center that might prove helpful. Otherwise, you may need to seek legal counsel for a resolution. In the meantime, an electrician may be able to turn off power to that outlet.
Our landlord has been showing up on the property every single weekend since mid-january, he mentions he has to do some repairs on the property, however all he does is use the backyard to barbecue with his friends (he, say, repairs a fence, then go barbecue), and yeah, he doesn’t care about covid it seems.
I understand doing repairs but him showing up every weekend is affecting me and my spouse’s rest, we work all week and we like to take Saturdays and Sundays to just sleep the afternoons and chill.
Can he do this? Is it allowed?
Hi Kyle, that sounds frustrating. As a previous landlord, I would say this behavior is not professional and crosses a boundary. There are nuances and state-specific laws that encompass what a landlord can and can’t do and if/when notification is required. I suggest you first contact your local housing authority to ask about your local and state regulations. Secondly, if you feel you are being harrassed or your right to implied warranty of quiet enjoyment has been compromised, I suggest notifying your landlord in writing about your concerns before escalating to legal measures.
Here are two more articles that might prove helpful:
How Often Can a Landlord Inspect a Property?
A Renter’s Right to the Implied Warranty of Quiet Enjoyment
I am at my witts end! I am afraid of what she will do. I rented a room from this lady. I am 53 & disabled. She walks in my room unannounced and uninvited yelling at me for all kinds of stuff. She leaves all hours of the night and day. The local Facebook page has identified her as someone who “creeps” Around the neighborhood going through people’s trash and yards. She came in my room with a Meth pipe and lighter in her hand. I constantly feel threatened by her words. I have recorded her blocking my way out of the bathroom.
I need help please! I am in Arizona.
What do you do when your landlord is using a commercial ozone gas generator in a 43 unit building and first not telling a soul what
there doing allowing people to just live there caused the death of my Service Dog and damaged my lungs in my unit. Then HUD takes
2 years to investigate and makes the landlord fix many things but never addresses the toxic Gas , This is in units 4 years old.
I am disabled and on ssi. I have lived in my home for 17 years come October,2021. It was my ex boy friends who passed Nov 2017. His oldest son took over and allowed me and my dogs to stay per his dads wish. He also allowed the other tenents to stay. Since he was in N.Carolina at the time he had his brother, dave’s middle son watch the place and kris took it farther, told us he was to take over. Noone questioned it. The original deal of power in my name and rent $ goes to pay property taxes was still to be the deal only kris was to collect rent and pay taxes, so he said. 2 years later we found out he never paid taxes and kept all the $. So the oldest son was going to sell the property. Well along comes Dave’s brother, who he despised and did not want to have the place at all. Unfortunately he passed with no will,supossedly. I did find one gave it to kris who said it was an empty sealed envelope..b.s.! Well since Dave’s dad had all 3 of the kids name on the deed and with 2 now dead Calvin gets the property even though he was paid 65,000 for his 1/3rd of it, which he swears never happened and we can not find any paperwork on it! He took over last year 2020. Last summer he tried to sleep with all us female tenents ,even text one asking for porn video of her and her boygfriend. He got rejected by all of us and then tried to evict us…couldnt due to covid!! Well he disappeared and around end of december we found out he had and was in jail for child molestation. When he got out around end of march 2021 he came by and asked if me and my (new) boyfriend would be interested in buying the place. Of course the reply was yes. 2 weeks later he moved in as D.O.C. placed him here away from kids, the property is on private dead end road by river in small town in washington on hwy 2. He immediately started telling us how to live….lights out at 10pm, we weren’t allowed to have any visitors over, if someone came by he made them leave, couldn’t eat past 9pm. And we are all night people , 4 of us work nights and this was very upsetting!! Then he slacked on rules and moved down to the pump house( where the well is), we found out he is doing meth). He has gone through all of our belonings taken what he wants, intercepted my mail and kept some packages,gave some of my belongings to the drug addicted girl down the road he tries to seduce, he has exposed himself to a new female tenent here, and has blamed me ever since she moved in for everything and its now my responsibility to clean up after everyone. But for the past 3 months i could do no right. I went from friend to enemy,. He has down graded me to all the other tenents saying i owe him 5,000$ for collecting rent while he was in jail, i never did and they told him that but he says they are lieing. My dogs are not welcome here all of a sudden, they are registered service dogs. He lets them out the door and chases them away! Now hes giving me 3 day vacate notices every week and hes so high when he does you cant read them and my name is wrond no address given and no reason given plus dates are wrong. Now hes telling everyone i owe him 700 $ cause i borrowed 300$ but cant say when it was. I never borrowed anything from him and he wouldnt give me anything to that amount if i was dying and needed it. He has told all tenents not to give me any money for their share of power bill, as its in my name. I am to pay for all the power, pay rent ,pay for all the garbage to go to dump, pay for cable and wifi. He pays for NOTHING, not even his food, he eats ours!!!!!. The place is infested with rats, thats my fault he says. Yet he does nothing to try to solve the problem but threaten me to clean out my room or move!!. I cant afford a lawyer and dont know wtf to do……help please!! Me and my dogs have absolutely nowhere to go!!!!!
My landlord has sent me notice that I in violation of lease rules by not maintaining my renter’s insurance policy with a minimum of $100,000 …. when IN FACT I do have a current renter’s insurance policy with the minimum coverage of $100,000 on my policy. The insurance company has not sent me anything to say that my policy has lapsed, in fact it just renewed, and they do not send notice of cancellation / lapse to the landlord unless that has actually happened. What are my options? The landlord already knows that I’m not renewing my lease in May 2022., If I did my monthly rent on a small 2BR (with a very tiny kitchen and dining room, hardly any storage space, no grill allowed would go to $1,200 per month. That’s insane.
Hi Christy, It could just be a simple clerical error. I’d recommend getting copies of your original policy and policy renewal to submit to your landlord as proof of compliance.
My site manager is a slum lord and a harrasser how can I get her fired
I own a mobile home in San Luis Obispo county ,Ca. I am trying to sell my mobile home only after my wife passed away and the owner and his Attorney tried to evict me for having unlawful tenants living in my home and for violation of park rules for being a nuisance do to the fact that we have had the police over multiple times do to the fact that my oldest daughter has a mental disability and when she got out of control we have had to call the police to try and get her to calm down. The owner of the park has been trying to buy my home from me ever since he bought the park years ago. The tenants that he was stating were unlawful were my oldest daughter who is now 22 and my mother-in-law who is now 72, both have lived with me prior to the new owner owning the park. I don’t have any signed lease with the new owner and the lease he has from the prior owner does not have them listed on the lease agreement nor does it have mine or the old owners signature on it. Well anyway I am trying to sell my home but the parks attorney will not give perspective buyers an application for residency. The Attorney is telling all of them that the mobile home needs to be removed from the park when they buy the home. If I understand the MRL’s correctly they can NOT make the new owner move it from the property. Also I am being told that I need to paint and do other repairs to my mobile home but yet none of the other owners nor the owner of the park needs to paint or repair there homes. I feel that I am being harassed. The parks Attorney has stated to me that if I did not sell my mobile home to the owner for $10,000 that he was going to file an unlawful detainer against me. I now can not move back into my own home because my daughter and mother-in-law are not on the lease and they both getting social security and rely on me to help keep a roof over there heads along with my other two younger daughters. I am scared to move back into my home, loose my two bedroom apartment that the five of us now live in because I am afraid he will file an unlawful detainer against me then I will not have a place to live and possibly become homeless until I find a new place to live. I have lost multiple offers on selling my mobile home do to the fact that the parks Attorney is telling perspective buyers that the home has to be moved. I have lost at least $75,ooo by what they are saying. I don’t think they can do this.
Although you own the home, by allowing two people to live with you without adding them to the lease, the terms of the lease were broken. In many states a lease violation in a mobile home park gives the park owners the right to evict and ask that the home be moved when sold.
Having said that, because each state has different regulations I would recommend reaching out to your local housing department and/or state mobile home ombudsmen for confirmation and clarification of your responsibilities and rights.
I am sorry but when I bought the place 19 years ago my daughter was living with me and has lived with me her whole life. I bought the place when she was four years old. Does the law state I have to have all my children on the lease? Does the law state that family members can’t live with there children? Does the owner not have to make sure that the lease is up to date when he buys the park. The lease is from 2011 and was from a prior owner. The lease is not even signed by me or the old owner of the park.
Thank you for providing more details. I’m sorry you are dealing with this situation — it sounds complex and difficult. It might help to know a little about the backend of rental management: New park owners inherit all lease and rental agreements from prior owners when they purchase a park. Park management relies on the mobile home owners to notify the rental office of changes in occupants status (children turning 18) or adding an additional occupant (such as your mother-in-law). Based on their policies, they would have likely had them fill out paperwork and then update the month-to-month agreement or fixed-term lease.
It sounds as if you may be under a month-to-month agreement if neither party signed a fixed-term lease. If so, a month-to-month may be even less forgiving when it comes to additional occupants — but again, each state and local area has different regulations so I still recommend you reach out to the local housing authority and/or ombudsman (and if needed legal council) as I am not qualified to offer any legal advice.
Wishing you all the best on a positive outcome.
I live in Wisconsin. Am 74, disabled and suffer from PTSD. I am also asthmatic. I lost my residence, a 1974k mobile home, my son owned. It was in good shape, until anow old water pipe that we had not replaced, broke, saturating all of the insulation underneath, essentially making it uninhabitable, so we, legally, gave it to the MH Park. I had been trying to find low income, senior housing since January, and vacated in September with no place to go. I ended up in a woman’s shelter. After 2 more months of looking, I found an apartment that was advertised as smoke free, and income based. I really didn’t have much choice. It was a 55 and over independant living apartment complex. After moving in, with my PTSD service dog, who was bigger than allowed, but permitted because she had the appropriate paperwork, as a service dog. Everyone was getting new carpeting, however, I didn’t, I believe, because I had a dog. The apartment had been previously occupied by people who had 2 small dogs, that used the living room as their toilet area. I was told, by another resident, that the carpet was originally to the 27+ year old complex. It had been cleaned, but still was stained, and smelled. I started smelling cigarette smoke, and discovered that I was living next to a,”grandfathered-in” smoker. I had told the manager that smoke free was extremely important, due to my asthma, as cigarettes was one of my triggers. The put a sweep on my entry door, which did nothing, as the smoke was coming through the closet walls, in my bedroom! The woman had lived there since the complete opened, so the common wall, between the bathroom and bedroom was saturated with passive smoke, and I was getting a fresh dose of cigarette smoke, every day!
The first week I moved in, the faucet, in the kitchen, broke, flooding the kitchen, hall entryway, and one large kitchen drawer, which had to be broken to remove it.
Also, the garbage disposal did not work. My asthma, which had been very stable, I hadn’t had an attack in quite a few years, became active. I had an attack a week, and often several a week. I was always short of breath, and needed a nebulizer, as well as my rescue inhaler, to get some relief. Nothing was ever fixed. The kitchen drawer, one of only 2 large storage drawers, was never replaced in the 4 1/2 years it took me to move. During this time, my service dog died, I believe, from a combination of the passive smoke exposure, and exposure to the Roundup used on the grass, by the lawn care company, who didn’t put up notices, until I noticed that they were spraying something and asked what it was. I told the gentleman spraying it, that notices needed to be posted because some residents had dogs that walked on the grass. Gracie, my service dog, died of lymphoma, which can be caused by Roundup! I got a new service dog; a puppy, in training. The management started threatening to make me get rid of her because, as a young pup, she had a higher energy level. She never caused any problems, for other residents, just had some difficulty learning to walk on a lead. The management stated, ” she could knock someone over.” She was always in my control, and obeyed. She had learned the necessary things, to address my PTSD, by the time I got her. I needed her sooner, and was capable of completing her training, myself, as my first service dog came from a rescue and I trained I her, complete, myself!
After 4 1/2 years, during the height of the Covid pandemic, my best friend of 45+ years became a widow, sold her farm, bought a home 150 miles north of where I lived, and asked me to come and live with her. This had been our plan for many years, if we both became single. Trying to move out was a nightmare. Ithe was spring, and getting very hot, during the day. I couldn’t afford to hire a mover, have done a DIY move, before, so rented a truck to DIY, it! This became a nightmare! I couldn’t get the big trucking I needed and had to rent a van. I rented the van, started loading, making the 300 mile round trip twice, before giving my notice. Because of Covid, I couldn’t get any affordable help. My disability, as well as suffering from Covid long hauler syndrome, from having the virus 5 months earlier, it was taking me longer to get packed and loaded, as I also had to repack things to accomodate the smaller rental vehicle. The management wouldn’t let me load in the evening, when it was cooler, because it, “might disturbed the other residents.” Loading in the heat caused me to suffer heat exhaustion, on 2 separate occasions. I also was delayed, because the second time I picked up the rental truck, it had a nail in the tire and I had to wait until the following day, for the repair truck to come, before I could load. These issues put me over my move out date. Then the management really started harassing me, causing me to have severe PTSD episodes, during which, I was unable to do anything! The manager stood in the hall, outside my apartment, and screamed at me, calling me a, “hoarder”, which I am not! Everyone on the adjoining Apartments heard her. She talked about my paying double rent for the days I was over. I asked how much, so I could pay, but never got a number. A few days later, she was fired. I finally got my things out of the apartment, but had to, temporarily, leave some things in my locked storage. I told, as well as put in writing, that I was taking a load to my new residence 150 miles away, would unload and come back to settle up on any rent, and take the rest of the things in my storage. It was a Thursday, and no one would be moving in until the following week and I was coming back on Saturday. On Friday, I was unloading 150 miles away, the manager was off, the maintainance man cut the lock on my storage, took a $150.00 moving Dolly, about $800.00 in small tools, over $1000.00 of collectable dolls for my granddaughters, and other personal items. He then threw everything outside and smashed everything so there was nothing salvageable. All total, my loss was about $40,000.00 of photographic, electronic and personal items. I know this, because my friend, and neighbor, was a witness, and took pictures. We both filed police reports. To top things off, the apartment complex rented the largest dumpster available, charged it to me, and disposed of, mostly old cabinets from the community kitchen, and old concrete from a parking lot upgrade. They kept my $500.00 security deposit and are trying to charge me over $600.00 more, for the dumpster! I always paid my rent on time, even though, it turned out not to be income based. I was paying almost 50% of my income, by the time I moved out! My rent went up over $100.00, in 4 years. A lot more than my cost of living raise from SSI! I never harassed them about the repairs and cigarette smoke, so I don’t understand why they did this to me! This complex is owned by a large real estate corporation.
Tenants shouldn’t be kicked out of their home simply for asking to not be harassed, yet the civil courts (HRo, housing) favor the property owner no matter how many people it hurts over the years. It’s crazy. There is no justice, even if you can afford it you’re still gonna have to move even if you don’t want to because MN property laws favor landlords.
Hi I live in Wyoming and have a month to month lease which states I am responsible for electric. No problem there the problem is recently I became aware that for the better part of the 2 and half years I have lived here I had been given the wrong electric bill. One that is usually my neighbors. The bills are all in the landlords name and are distinguished by meter number, I only recently found this out, so while compliling all my receipts and organizing them recently because of a dispute with the landlord I realized I had been given and paid the bill given (give money to landlord for this each month) and now knowing the meter number that is mine, the past bills were not mine more than a third of the time. I mentioned this to the landlord and what he said is “they are pretty much the same” to which I said that’s not ok with me. I would like to see what my actual bill was for the entire time I lived here because I feel I overpaid considerably. What should I do now?
I live in a small trailer park with my 2 kids and my boyfriend. I inherited the trailer from my mother after she passed of cancer and fortunately I have a lot payment and a place to live when before my mother passed I was basically homeless. Well I moved in with her a few months before she died to take care of her. After she passed the woman that owns the property didn’t make me leave or sign a new lease, she let me grieve in peace. Up until the water meter breaks and the back yard is flooded. She blames me for it getting broken and says I drove over it with my mother’s drunk and broke it. I was told by the water company that the brass shutoff valve had worn out and was leaking it was not any doing of mine, we didn’t even know where it was because it was buried 4 ft deeper than it’s supposed to be.. She allowed us to fix it and we did because it saved her money. There was no problems but she sent her plumber out anyways to check and he ended up breaking it himself and instead of admitting that he blamed us. of course my landlord believes him and claims I am a lier.. Then threatens me with eviction. I finally got her off my back about the water meter and now we are having septic tank issues and she’s threatening eviction again and stressing me out and scared of becoming homeless again. I have mental health issues and she knows about them but she’s also a bully when she drinks and that’s normally all the time. I think I need to sue her for emotional damages and defemation as well as punitive damages and anything else I can because she told me she’s filing my eviction tomorrow and not to pay next month’s rent. I told her I will pay my rent as always and she says she won’t accept it. So is she trying to get grounds to legally evict me? I’ll make sure I video myself paying her rent.
Hi Jennifer, unfortunately I can’t offer legal advice. I would contact your local housing authority to ask about your options based on your rental history there, the landlords behavior, and your lease or agreement (if there is one in place). From there, you might reach out to the court system to find out if there is someone who can advise you about your legal options. I hope all turns out well for you.
My Landlord does not want to fix anything. She rented us an uninhabitable house in exchange for cheap rent & the promise of no increases if we would do the work or pay for repairs and deduct it from rent. We kept our end. She has not kept her word. She became angry that she could not double my rent (California). We pay $700 per agreement. She now wants $1600. We have a contaminated well (arsenic 1000 times legal limit). Shes promised a water tank for 3 years now. We have no heating system. Her X Husband did the roof here & didn’t use nails long enough to get to the wood. So the wind has blown off the roof in chunks until we have less than 50% left. It is leaking in the ceiling. There are no outside lights & 2 rentals on this lot. No trash can’s or trash service unless we pay for it ourselves. There are piles of debris left from when they bought the house 4 years ago and emptied them (couches, mattresses, piles of metal & wood) which are now drawing “critters” like snakes, scorpions, rats and mice. There is non insulation or a/c. She promised to have new siding installed 3 years ago & when I asked about it recently she said she was going to get us clean water & new siding – but why should she put her money into it when she gets so little rent out of us. The guy in back complained about an open septic tank that caved in & you can smell feces and the very next day she served him a 30 day notice claiming she needed his house empty for repairs. She has threatened to do the same to us if we don’t stop complaining. Now she has called a meeting saying we need to renegotiate a new contract where she can charge me $1600 and pretend its not a rent increase put a new contract instead. If complaining gets us thrown out and we dont have the money to move because we put it into repairing her house what can we do?
Hi Kandi, it’s important to always have agreements in writing for just these types of situations. You mention renegotiating a new contract, does that mean your agreement ended? If so, your tenancy is now considered under a month-to-month agreement. Without an active lease agreement, the landlord may be able to raise the rent at their discretion as long as they have given proper notice and there aren’t any local or state regulations contrary to the amount or timing. I would check with your local housing authority to ask them how much of an increase is allowed in your circumstance as it varies by location in California.
My disabled elderly father is being put out of his home of 11 years by new recent owners because they say he must communicate with them by email. My father explained that he has no computer and doesn’t know how to use email and asked if he could be sent letters by post office and they said no and said he must leave. They keep harassing him and ask for rent, he paid it and they still now happy. What should we do? I want my dad to file a suit…Is that possible?
That must be a difficult situation to navigate. I haven’t heard of anyone being evicted for requesting communication by mail before. I can’t offer legal advice so the best course of action would be to seek the advice of experts in your area, such as your local housing authority, who can review his lease and inform you if the landlord is operating within their rights to request email only communication. As for harassment concerns, how are they requesting the rent if not by mail? Are they calling him on his phone or showing up unscheduled? If you feel he’s being harassed, you might need to seek legal council by a real estate attorney or reach out to your local legal aid office who might be able to offer advice. I’m hoping all turns out well for his situation.
I have been living in a 2 family house in NJ for 9 years. I had 3 parking spots when I first moved in being the the family in apt #1 did not own a vehicle. As we all know post covid has increased the prices of a lot of things one of those being RENT. I have a 4 bedroom apartment a garage and now 2 spots on the driveway being that the new tenants have a car. I pay $1650 and of course that is a great price for a 4 bedroom. The landlord for a year now has been harassing me along with a previous tenant that lived in apt #1. So much so that she is threating to evict me. But before she hired an attorney she would send me letters and calling the police on me. She is threatening me to give her the garage back or she will start legal action and now she has placed a NO PARKING sign with towing at owners expense in one of my 2 spots. Can she just take away my parking spots just like that? She has repeatedly told me that 4 bedrooms in my town go for over $2300 and that I only pay $1650 and this is intimidating. If I ask for a repair she says she has spent too much money already. What can I do? I am not able to move right now due to the increase in rent.
Hi Evelyn, am I correct in guessing you are on a month-to-month agreement and not an active lease? In either case, check to see if there is any documentation (agreement, lease, move-in paperwork, original rental listing ad, etc) that state the garage and parking spaces are included with the rent of the home. Since I can’t offer legal advice I would suggest contacting your local housing authority or real estate attorney to review your documents, to ask about your rights, and what is considered intimidation or retaliation in your state because a landlord can not evict without cause. Wishing you all the best as you work out a peaceful solution.
I live in senior housing my landlord calls me filthy all the time she encourages residents to do the same when i was cleaning Dunkin donut litter out of my van she screamed and yelled at me for violating my lease and said she couldn’t wait to see me living in my van I complained to the Attorney general for entry without notice and 3 days after she got a letter from them, she gave me a notice to quit and am now facing eviction another tenant who is mentally disturbed is helping her and took me to court for harassment judge threw it out but she continues to Harass me she has called 911 8 times i told police she was harassing me but they said they can’t do anything
Question, we have a semi difficult case. The beginning of 2021 my spouse had SSI benefits stopped. Due to a over payment for $3,000 letting landlords know right away of this. We did pay our rent late by one week including late charges. Nothing owed to them. By the 3rd and last month, they served us a 60 Day Notice of Vacate, Reason: Sell Home, reason given. First off, This was there way of eviction, there 60 Day notice didn’t really fly (wrong form handed to me) when it’s suppose to be a written 120 Notice to Sell home instead. THIS was there eviction type to use. I worked in the Housing Authority office I knew right from wrong. I know they were not aware that EVICTIONS were not being done they were on hold. *** PLUS, they said they would sell us the house beginning of signing our lease from 2007. Now backing out on that promise AS I have it in writing by the wife, JANET. So this 60 Day Notice handed to me was INVALID the reason for the 60 day notice. Then they harassed us driving by 2-3 times n parking taking pictures of the home. This made me mad and uncomfortable which they never did before. We did end up moving after all. Now 1.5 yrs later and took them to small claims court I still haven’t received our deposit money. My question? I want to go back to court can I ask for interest to be paid back monies not received and money taken out for normal wear n tear? That was mentioned in court. Plus, I want interest paid back for the deposit money they held onto all those years. I know if shoe was on the other foot, they would demand from us as im requesting now. PS. No attorney has taken me on as I’m frustrated with all of this. Sorry I need help in Calif.
Hi Anna, unfortunately I’m not an attorney and can’t not offer legal advice as court matters are outside of my property management expertise. If you are unable to work with an attorney, you may want to see if there is a county legal aide department that can offer help on the subject.
what do you mean, Im harassing my landlord.
I am 73 years old lived in a Senior Community Central Point Oregon. I informed the housing manager verbally and in writing regards to lack of Covid 19 rules in the building and informed them that covid may spread soon in the building. Well, yes soon after my letter 2 people died from covid 19 in the building.
Then I was retaliated, it was decided that I was a whistle blower and I should be removed from the premises. I was stalked by the housing manager herself. She used Harassment and Physical Intimidation to forced me out of my apartment.
The humiliation I feel is so intense and painful. I am suffering from Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Every day I have to live with Fear,Agitation,Nitemares,Headaches, My body jerks while I sleep, tension in my chest, unable to accept for being violated, and mentally disturbed. I was pressured into doing wrong things such as push and shaw and get arrested. I didn’t deserve this.
Management company has a fiduciary duty to residents in the building, they have obligations to protect residents from such harmful activities and environment, they failed to do so. I have police reports phone calls and witnesses.
I live in Texas and the lady in accounting at my apartments has been adding charges to my bill and will not tell me what they are for. I have been in the office many times to try and get answers bur she changes the topic and rolls her eyes and insults me with” I can’t explain it anymore than I have, it is in black and white” . It is because she has put false dates and charges in the ledger on my account. She has held my on time payments until they are late almost every month, then acts like she is doing me a favor by taking the 105.00 late fee off. A few times she waits until my rent is paid and the same day with put a note on my door saying I owe “1.39 ONE DOLLAR and thirty nine cents. However I call the office every month to ask what the total amount is that I need to bring just to prevent this insanity. She still does it even though she is the one that told me the amount due. It is wearing me out and I don’t need this added stress. I have been nice and tried to speak to her but she will not tell me what the charges are for. I have money order receipts to back everything up, however on the online ledger she does not even have the correct receipt number to a lot of my money orders. There is one money order for 500.00 that she has entered as 50.00. It is truly the most aggravating situation I have ever been in. I amon my Third 15 month lease here. What really pisses me off is I love it here and do not want to move at all. I want her to stop torturing me and I want the money back that I know for a fact is payments that I do not owe. Help please
My landlord became aware that I’ve been in a domestic violence situation due to a neighbor contacting him to let him know about an instance where the cops had to be called. He then took it up on himself to give his number to all of my neighbors and asked that they please let him know about whatever they saw at my apartment. I’ve received texts about everything from neighbors telling him my boyfriend was selling drugs out of the apartment all day long while I was working regardless of the fact there has been no proof of anything of the sort, to disheveled looking people coming over and living in my house, and any time he’s asked to do a walk through I told him he absolutely could no questions asked. And every time, there’s been nothing that’s ever come from it what so ever. The people that live upstairs who are also his tenant have. Boyfriend living with her not on the lease and the police have been called on them causing a disturbance more than a couple times. She’s even told me she was going to punch me in the face before because she said I left the back door unlocked and not a single thing ever happened because of it. I pay my rent on time every month, and obviously was dealing with a lot trying to get out of the abusive situation I was in. In August he filed to get me evicted so we went to court and he won, but we came to an agreement that if I filed a PFA on my boyfriend I could continue living there regardless of the fact I was most likely putting myself at more risk. I filed the PF which was served on him almost immediately and I was there within seconds after, but not before the landlord could could be seen coming out of my apartment because he took my ac out of my window to lock the window since the neighbors have him on speed dial and alerted him to what was going on. I never have him permission to be in my house at that time and whether he tried to call me or not gave him no right. I told him about the mice and everything I was having an issue with at that time and I ended up having to buy my own traps etc. I also have been staying with my mom at the place she rents for the past 2 months aside from 2 nights because she can’t have anyone living in the apartment according to her lease. I’ve tried to stay away for my own safety and everyone else’s peace and happiness, but a week ago while I was at work my mom had gone by to get some more of my clothes and saw a 10 day notice on my door giving me 10 days to be out of the apartment because he said the neighbors told him that there was a bicycle on the side of the house once or twice and they saw my ex bf taking the trash out one night. They were told if they ever saw him to call the police, and I’ve never once received anything from anyone about catching him on the property. It’s been 2 months since the court date and too late to file an appeal because I thought that we had an agreement and no idea that he was going to be able to use that judgment to hang over my head and have me kicked out within 10 days at any time. The 10 day notice I also thought was for non payment of rent and anything else would need to be a 15 day notice. For a landlord, or anyone, to put someone through this they already know has been violently abused and is doing all they can to comply with their requirements so I still have a place to live even though I’ve made it a point to not stay at my own house more than 2 whole nights where I was gone by 7:30am the next day for work, is disgusting and outrageous to me. Does the fact he has gone to my neighbors asking them to pretty much spy on me and let him know about everything they see going on at my house even though they aren’t even his tenants and are nothing but nosey drama starters making up things to cause problems they obviously have absolutely no clue they are doing and if they do they have no soul. Is any of this considered harassment, and is there anything I can do about it because I am in domestic abuse situation?