When it comes time to start your rental housing search, one of the biggest questions you will have to decide on is whether you want to live in an a house or an apartment.
Each housing type has its perks depending on your lifestyle and property priorities. Price, privacy, amenities, space and location are all factors in determining which housing type a renter will decide is best.
Below is a list of features most commonly associated with a Single Family Home or an Apartment Complex to help you deicide which one is best for you.
For more details about the pros and cons check out the complete guide at Should I Rent a House or an Apartment – Tips for Tenants.

Learn more at Tips for Tenants – Should I Rent a House or an Apartment
Love this info graph! Really simplifies the whole thing between choosing a house or an apartment. A big one is pets. Most of the time, tenants with pets want a house over an apartment.
Thanks, Isreal; I’m glad you found it helpful! Houses can be great options for pet owners, but don’t forget about apartments that offer pet-friendly amenities like doggy daycares or pet-washing rooms. It truly depends on personal preference and what options are readily available in your area!
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